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Measurements Measurements: Definitions Measurement: –comparison between measured quantity and accepted, defined standards (SI) Quantity: –property that.

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2 Measurements

3 Measurements: Definitions Measurement: –comparison between measured quantity and accepted, defined standards (SI) Quantity: –property that can be measured and described by a pure number and a unit that names the standard

4 Measurement Types: –Qualitative: describe a substance without using numbers (measurements). –Quantitative: require measurement to be made and have to be described by a QUANTITY (number and unit)

5 Measurement Requirements Know what to measure Have a definite agreed upon standard Know how to compare the standard to the measured quantity (tool)

6 Types of measurement Quantitative- –use numbers + units to describe the measured quantity. Examples: the density of iron is 7.8 g/cm 3. Qualitative- –use description (language) without numbers to describe the measurement Quantitative or qualitative? –4 feet _____________________ –extra large _____________________ –Hot _____________________ –100ºF _____________________

7 Measuring Numbers without units are meaningless. The measuring instrument limits how good the measurement is

8 Scientific Notations A shortcut method for writing very large and very small numbers using powers of ten There should only be ONE digit in front of the decimal. 602,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 = 6.02 x 10 23 The number is written as M x 10 n if n is + number = large numbers (>0) If n is - number = small numbers (<0)

9 Significant figures (sig figs) How many numbers while measuring are important anything When we measure something, we can (and do) always estimate between the smallest marks. 21345

10 Significant Figures and Measurement Measurement –Done with tools –The value depends on the smallest subdivision on the measuring tool Significant Digits (Figures): –consist of all the definitely known digits plus one final digit that is estimated in between the divisions.

11 Significant Figures (sig figs) The more marks give a better measured value. Scientist always understand that the last number measured is actually an estimate 21345

12 Sig Figs Only measurements have sig figs. Counted numbers are exact A dozen is exactly 12 A piece of paper is measured 11 inches tall. Being able to locate, and count significant figures is an important skill.

13 Significant Rules examples What is the smallest mark on the ruler that measures 142.15 cm? –____________________ 142 cm? –____________________ 140 cm? –____________________ Does the zero count? We need rules!!!

14 Easy way to remember Sig Fig Rules Pacific Ocean side of the US: If there is a decimal point present start counting from the left to right until encountering the first nonzero digit and keep counting All digits thereafter are significant. Atlantic Ocean side of the US: If the decimal point is absent start counting from the right to left until encountering the first nonzero digit and keep counting. All digits thereafter are significant.

15 Sig figs. How many SF in the following measurements? 1.458 g 2.4085 g 3.4850 g 4.0.0485 g 5.0.004085 g 6.40.004085 g

16 Sig Figs. 7.405.0 g 8.4050 g 9.0.450 g 10.4050.05 g 11.0.0500060 g

17 Rounding rules Look at the number next to the one you’re rounding. 0 - 4 : leave it 5 - 9 : round up Round 45.462 to: a) four sig figs b) three sig figs c) two sig figs d) one sig fig

18 Calculations with Significant Figures

19 Multiplication and Division Same number of sig figs in the answer as the least in the question 1) 3.6 x 653 = 2350.8 3.6 has 2 SF 653 has 3 SF answer can only have 2 SF Answer: 2400

20 Multiplication and Division Same rules for division practice 4.5 / 6.245 4.5 x 6.245 9.8764 x.043 3.876 / 1983 16547 / 714

21 Addition and Subtraction While adding or subtracting, the answer is reported to reflect the least precise # of sig figs. Add/Subtract the numbers together Report the answer with the least # of sig figs Ex. 1.2 + 3.43 The answer will be 4.6 4.63

22 Practice 4.8 + 6.8765 520 + 94.98 0.0045 + 2.113 6.0 x 10 2 - 3.8 x 10 3 5.4 - 3.28 6.7 -.542 500 -126 6.0 x 10 -2 - 3.8 x 10 -3

23 Accuracy, Precision, and Certainty: How good are the measurements? Accuracy how close the measurement is to the actual value Precision how well can the measurement be repeated. (How well do the measurements agree with each other?)

24 Assessing Uncertainty The person doing the measuring should asses the limits of the possible error in measurement

25 Let’s use a golf anaolgy

26 Accurate?No Precise?Yes

27 Accurate?Yes Precise?Yes

28 Precise?No Accurate?Maybe?

29 Accurate?Yes Precise?We cant say!

30 In terms of measurement Three students measure the room to be 10.2 m, 10.3 m and 10.4 m across. Were they precise? Were they accurate?

31 Measured Value Uncer- tainty Ruler Division Known digits Estimated digit 1.07 cm+/-0.01 cm0.1 cm1, 07 3.576 cm+/-0.001 cm0.01 cm3,5,76 22.7 cm+/- 0.1 cm1 cm2, 27 Significant Figures: Examples

32 The Metric System: SI System An easy way to measure

33 The Metric System Easier to use because it is a decimal system Every conversion is by some power of 10. A metric unit has two parts –A prefix and a base unit. prefix tells you how many times to divide or multiply by 10.

34 SI Prefixes Exapetatera Gigamegakilo HectadecaUnit Centimillimicro Nanopicofemto Atto Check blackboard for details

35 Fundamental Units SI UnitNameAbbreviation LengthMeterM MassKilogramKg TimeSeconds Temperature KelvinK Electric current AmpereA Quantity of matter MoleMol luminosityCandelaCd

36 Mass Quantity of matter The same in the entire universe Based on Pt/Ir alloy standard 1gram is defined as the mass of 1 cm 3 of water at 4 ºC. 1000 g = 1000 cm 3 of water at 4 ºC 1 kg = 1 L of water 4 ºC

37 Measuring Temperature Celsius scale. water freezes at 0ºC water boils at 100ºC body temperature 37ºC room temperature 20 - 25ºC 0ºC

38 Measuring Temperature Kelvin starts at absolute zero (-273 º C) degrees are the same size C = K -273 K = C + 273 Kelvin is always bigger. Kelvin can never be negative. Absolute zero: temp. at which a system cannot be farther cooled.

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