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New England’s Dominate Force

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1 New England’s Dominate Force
The Puritans New England’s Dominate Force

2 John Winthrop 1st Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Famous for his speech “A Model of Christian Charity” or “City on a Hill”

3 “City on a Hill” Speech Question: Why does Winthrop feel the Puritans are special? Winthrop feels that the Puritans have been chosen by God to resettle in the America and establish an ideal society. They have entered into a Covenant with God, been blessed by God and must now follow through on their promise to build a pure community based on biblical ideals and principles.

4 City on a Hill What does John Winthrop mean by a “city on a hill?”
This reference to a city on a hill is a biblical allusion. He is saying that the Puritans are to be that ideal community of faith for the entire world to see and emulate. Recall that they wished to “purify” the Church of England. This is their attempt to be that pure community in America that serves as a model for others; almost paradise on earth. This is his vision or dream for the Puritan Community. They are the pure model of what church is supposed to be. They are the example to follow.

5 Importance of the Speech
Anticipates the idea of “Manifest Destiny” This is the idea that America has a God-given right to expand her borders and occupy the North American Continent. Idea that says America is special or exceptional nation, someone chosen by God.

6 Key Vocabulary Covenant: believed they had a contract with God to build a society based on Scripture and a covenant with one another “To walk together in all His ways.” Commonwealth: Puritans established a Bible commonwealth (self-governing political unit), in which everyone was guided by English law and the Bible and expected to work together for the common good.

7 Great Migration To escape religious persecution and economic ruin, many Puritans moved to the colonies. Beginning in 1630 some 60,000 people left England for the Americas. Some 10,000-20,000 settled in Massachusetts.


9 Social Contract: political idea imbedded in philosophy of Rousseau
man is born free buts gives up some of that freedom in exchange for the benefits of civilization. “…to promote the general welfare….” Preamble

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