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The NHS and Climate Change. Action Climate Change and Health Resources Climate Change Sustainable Development.

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Presentation on theme: "The NHS and Climate Change. Action Climate Change and Health Resources Climate Change Sustainable Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 The NHS and Climate Change

2 Action Climate Change and Health Resources Climate Change Sustainable Development

3 Principles of sustainable development

4 Temperature is related to CO 2 in the atmosphere

5 Climate Change: the facts 1:Temperature is related to CO 2 in the atmosphere

6 Emissions of CO 2 from burning fossil-fuels have risen rapidly since 1950 Source: World Resources Institute, CAIT

7 Climate Change: the facts 1:Temperature is related to CO 2 in the atmosphere 2:Emissions of CO 2 from burning fossil- fuels have risen rapidly since 1950

8 Levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have risen rapidly in the same time period Source: IPCC TAR (slide taken from Hadley Centre)

9 Climate Change: the facts 1:Temperature is related to CO 2 in the atmosphere 2:Emissions of CO 2 from burning fossil- fuels have risen rapidly since 1950 3:Levels of CO 2 in the atmosphere have risen rapidly in the same time period

10 Variations of the Earths surface temperature: year 1000 to year 2010 Source: IPCC 2001

11 Climate Change: the facts 1:Temperature is related to CO 2 in the atmosphere 2:Emissions of CO 2 from burning fossil- fuels have risen rapidly since 1950 3:Levels of CO 2 in the atmosphere have risen rapidly in the same time period 4:Predictions show exponential rise in temperature, dependent on CO 2 levels

12 Climate change is already happening Kilimanjaro 1993 and 2000

13 Climate change is already happening


15 How climate change can affect health - heat-related deaths - skin cancer and cataracts - injuries and infectious diseases as a result of increased flooding - respiratory disease - insect-borne disease - food poisoning

16 How climate change can affect health - anxiety and depression linked to physical and economic insecurity - crop failure - ecosystem collapse - water shortages - mass migration - resource wars - economic collapse

17 UK health inequalities picture Slide reproduced from Marches Energy Agency


19 Action: by the NHS - annual budget of £96 billion - employs more than 1.3 million people - spends over £17 billion a year on goods and services - contributes up to 10% of regional GDP - serves more than 300 million meals a year If it were a country its economy would rank 30 th in the world

20 Direct NHS = 4 million tonnes CO 2 Indirect NHS = 18 million tonnes CO 2 NHS Carbon Footprint

21 Good Corporate Citizenship How NHS organisations contribute to - strong local economies, - social cohesion - a healthy environment through their corporate activities in: Managing energy, procurement, buildings, transport, landscaping, employment, community engagement

22 The Business Case Financial savings Improved staff morale Faster patient recovery rates A healthier local population Lond term viability of the NHS

23 …local economic, social and environmental conditions… …the health of the population… …level of demand for health services… …the health of the population… …NHS resources… …level of demand for health services… …the NHSs capacity to provide quality services…

24 Improving health Obesity One in four people affected Nearly 1 in 3 children under 11 overweight or obese by 2010 £3.7 billion in England each year. Mental Health 1 in 6 people affected by mental health problems Often leads to physical illness £76 billion in England each year.

25 Facilities Management Renewable Energy Insulation Energy efficiency Staff awareness Waste

26 Transport Encouraging active travel Green Travel Plans Cycle to work schemes Low emission vehicles Service design

27 What and how you buy Supporting local businesses Procuring local, seasonal, healthy food Sustainable choices: eg energy efficient equipment Tendering process Supplier management

28 New Buildings Sustainable design Sustainable construction materials Regeneration and planning Green spaces Broader benefits to community

29 Community Engagement Involvement in Local Strategic Partnerships and Local Area Agreements Raising awareness Leading by example Promoting healthy and sustainable lifestyles

30 Good Corporate Citizenship Assessment Model Produced to help NHS organisations: - assess and improve their contribution to social, economic and environmental well-being - find out more about good corporate citizenship - be inspired by good practice - access resources - monitor performance through an on-line test

31 Good Corporate Citizenship Assessment Model Data accurate as of 1/6/08 223 NHS organisations have signed up to take the on-line test, including half of all acute and foundation trusts.

32 Further resources

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