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The Redeemed Witnesses Isaiah 43:1-13. Definition of “sovereignty:” “Supreme power, freedom from control.”

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Presentation on theme: "The Redeemed Witnesses Isaiah 43:1-13. Definition of “sovereignty:” “Supreme power, freedom from control.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Redeemed Witnesses Isaiah 43:1-13

2 Definition of “sovereignty:” “Supreme power, freedom from control.”

3 Furthermore, His sovereignty requires that He be absolutely free, which means simply that, “He must be free to do whatever He wills to do anywhere, at any time, to carry out His eternal purpose in every detail without interference. Were He less than free He must be less than sovereign.”

4 QUICK FACTS: HUMAN TRAFFICKING Human Trafficking in general: Estimated between 28 – 30 million people worldwide. Roughly 80% of those are female. Roughly 50% are children. Human Trafficking generates approximately 32 billion dollars annually. Human Trafficking is 2nd only to Drug Trafficking. Why? You can sell a gun once, you can sell a bag of cocaine once but you can sell a human over and over and over. Source:

5 Sons & Daughters EP, available on iTunes. All proceeds go to Redeemed Ministries to fight domestic human trafficking

6 Miyuki Harwood

7 DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.God promises Israel that He will protect them (Isaiah 43:1). What are some other words for “protect” in other versions of the Bible? Save, rescue, ransomed.

8 DISCUSSION GUIDE 2.As children of God we have the same rights of protection. Do you embrace this promise in how you live?

9 DISCUSSION GUIDE 3.God knows your name if you have been redeemed. How does this provide courage in your life? (v. 1)

10 DISCUSSION GUIDE 4.Water and fire are traditional symbols for testing. (v. 2) Have you or are you going through tests? How has God protected you?

11 DISCUSSION GUIDE 5.God said He paid a ransom for Israel with Egypt, Ethiopia and Seba. (vs. 3-4) What does the fact that Jesus has ransomed you mean to you?

12 DISCUSSION GUIDE 6.How is (Isaiah 43:5-7) a picture of the end time events? All believers will be gathered from the ends of the earth and caught up to glory.

13 DISCUSSION GUIDE 7.God will gather the Israelites so they can be redeemed witnesses to the fact that God is holy and the one true God. (vs. 8-10) How do you respond to a person who says there are many paths that all lead to the same god?

14 DISCUSSION GUIDE 8.List the qualities of the sovereignty of God in (vs. 11- 13). a.God is Lord b.No other deliverer c.He decreed it d.He delivered it e.He proclaimed it f.He calls on the redeemed to declare it g.No one can appose His power h.No one can prevent His actions

15 DISCUSSION GUIDE 9.What worries (water/fire) do you need to give away to your sovereign Lord?

16 Flee as a Bird Flee as a bird to my mountain When I am weary of sin I go to the clear flowing fountain Where I may wash and be clean Fly for the avenger is near me I call and the Savior will hear me He on His bosom will bear me When I am weary of sin Come then to Jesus my Savior He will redeem me from sin Blessed with a sense of His favor He will make me all glorious within Call for the Savior is near me Oh waiting in mercy to hear me He by His presence will cheer me When I am weary of sin

17 Flee as a Bird Fly to my mountain Fly away Oh fly to my mountain Fly away Flee as a bird to my mountain When I am weary of sin Sons & Daughters EP, available on iTunes. All proceeds go to Redeemed Ministries to fight domestic human trafficking


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