London Skills & Employment Observatory Inclusion in partnership with The Team, Marchmont Observatory and Roger Tym & Partners.

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Presentation on theme: "London Skills & Employment Observatory Inclusion in partnership with The Team, Marchmont Observatory and Roger Tym & Partners."— Presentation transcript:

1 London Skills & Employment Observatory Inclusion in partnership with The Team, Marchmont Observatory and Roger Tym & Partners

2 Our ongoing job is to... build, communicate and maintain a shared understanding of the London labour market and projected future trends provide a dedicated one-stop service for information on skills and employment issues identify information and research gaps and suggest how these are best addressed.

3 Meeting audience needs National Statistics International Financial Services London European Cities Monitor DWP National employers skills survey HESA Small business survey BIS The Information Authority Census DMAG Annual population survey IER & Cambridge Econometrics for Working Futures Labour Force Survey GLA Economics Professionals Employment and skills supply-side Providers of information and guidance Audiences Casual users: Accessible information, analysis and research Experienced users: Detailed data sets, comparison tools Needs SSCs UKCES

4 Labour Productivity: GVA per hour worked & per job filled Productivity by sector Index of Specialisation (by sector). Economy & Productivity Civilian Workforce Jobs Industrial & occupational employment Jobcentre vacancies - raw and smoothed Demand for labour Mid-year population estimates Overall Employment rate trends Inactivity rates Population & labour supply GCSE (5+ A*–C) attainment incl English and Maths by London Borough Share of London workforce with no qualification Employer spending on training Skills & Learning Benefit claimants – working age client group Percentage of Children in Workless Households Monthly NEET – Connexions Worklessness & NEETs What we cover

5 Core Indicators Employment: all & by gender Workforce jobs/ Jobs density Economically inactive Unemployed Claimant count Skill gaps GCSE (5+ A*–C) Working age with no & level 4+ qualifications Out of work benefits NEET

6 What we need from you Data: Links to & details of employment & skills data Analysis: Links to & details of secondary data analysis, including projections Communications: Advice on appropriate channels to raise awareness of the Observatory; & keeping in touch on relevant work & developments

7 Visit the website

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