Native Americans Plus Warm ups and Reading. Native Americans  Organized religious ceremonies around  Natural cycles  Found spiritual values in  The.

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Presentation on theme: "Native Americans Plus Warm ups and Reading. Native Americans  Organized religious ceremonies around  Natural cycles  Found spiritual values in  The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native Americans Plus Warm ups and Reading

2 Native Americans  Organized religious ceremonies around  Natural cycles  Found spiritual values in  The natural world  Made contact with the spirits  Through dreams and visions  Used tales and songs to  Express beliefs

3 Compare idea of land ownership Native Americans  Land shared Settlers  Land owned

4 The sacred stories of Native Americans helped to link  Spirits of hunters and animals

5 “I Have Killed the Deer”  What does the narrator mean by his statement, “in my life I have needed death/so that my life can be”  He is explaining that it is necessary that he kills only in order to survive

6 How does the Native American artwork show a cycle of life?

7 4 characteristics of oral literature:  Each nation had a tradition of stories passed down between generations  Stories were retold within families and at ceremonies  Stories “embodied the tribe’s past”  Stories had “no one  author”

8 Myth:  A traditional story that explains why the earth is the way it is. Myths are anonymous and rely on the supernatural.

9 Terms: Archetype  Character, symbol, or story pattern that appears in the literature of many different cultures. Trickster  An archetypal character who is clever, rebellious, creative, and often impatient.

10 Creation myth vs. Origin myth:  Creation myth: explains how the entire human race and/or the earth came into being  Origin myth: explains how or why some particular phenomenon occurs.  Types: coyotes, ravens, humans

11 Totem  Natural object or animal that is forefather of a particular family or clan.

12 Functions of myths  Emphasize bond between human and supernatural.  Give sense of order and identity  Heal the sick  Initiate young people  Find food

13 Give examples for each archetype:  Hero  Father figure  Fatal woman  Double  Witch  monster  Innocent  Wise old man/woman helper  Underdog  Orphan hero  Kind thief/trickster

14 Buffalo video

15 Buffalo Questions 3 parts of buffalo and how used  Brain to cure leather  Bladder to make bowls  Muscles t make jerky  Bones to make tools What development led to the end for the buffalo?  The railroad  Why were the buffalo hunted beyond the need to sell their hides?  To do away with the NA way of life

16 Define  Vault:  An arched structure forming a roof or ceiling.

17 Alight:  To descend or come to rest.

18 Conjurer:  One who performs magic; sorcerer.

19 How the World was Made  What did the water beetle do?  Brought up the mud to make the world.  What does this tell us about the Cherokee reverence for all creatures?  Even the smallest creature may have an important role.  What do the conjurers do?  Put the sun in its track

20 How the World was Made  Which animals and plants are able to keep awake for 7 days?  Owl, panther; spruce, holly, laurel, cedar, and pine  What moral lesson does this episode teach?  Perseverance will be rewarded.  What does the narrator say when the Cherokee have no explanation?  No one remembers or we don’t know

21 How the World was Made  For the Cherokee, are humans more important than plants and animals or equal to them? Use the myth to explain your answer.

22 Find the main idea:  Practice at desk?

23 Warm Ups practice:  We visited the black hills and the badlands this summer.  Is broadway in the bronx?  Many japanese customs are strange to us.  The french wines are famous in the united states.  The lutherans will meet next week.  Zeus is the head god in greek mythology.

24 Warm Ups practice  I used to live in the northwest.  Go north a mile and then turn east for two miles.  The north is cold, but if you travel south, the weather becomes warmer.  The university of california is found in many different cities in california.  The cape of good hope is near africa.

25 Warm Ups practice  I have never been to lone peak high school.  You should be a member of the national honor society.  Did he work for the ophir coal company?  We buy kraft cheese singles.  There are many kinds of campbell’s soup.  Everyone should study the bill of rights.

26 Warm Ups practice  The junior prom is always two months after homecoming.  Have you studied the middle ages yet?  The hub for delta airlines is in utah.

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