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执教 黄利华 20 6 5 2 4 bus 2 on foot A survey report.

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2 执教 黄利华


4 20 6 5 2 4 bus 2 on foot A survey report

5 vehicles 交通工具 /vi:iklz/

6 Bus is a kind of vehicles on land. ____

7 It’s a kind of vehicles. It’s on land. It’s under the ground. Many people like to go to work by it. Underground is very fast.

8 Sky train is fast. I like to take a sky train. I can go to Zhongshan Park by sky train. sky train

9 It’s the traffic jam( 交通堵塞 ).

10 It’s the air pollution( 空气污染 ).

11 _______is a kind of vehicles in water. What is a kind of vehicles in water?

12 tea s_ _ _ m boat 汽垫船 /sti:m/ Steam boat is a modern vehicle( 现代交通工具). t e a

13 modern vehicle

14 Quick mind ________ is a modern city. ________is a modern country.

15 carriage It is a kind of vehicles. IIt has four wheels. ( 车轮 ) It is pulled ( 拉 )by a horse or horses. It is an ancient vehicle (古代交通工具).

16 Do you know the ancient town in China? Tongli is an ancient town in China.

17 Xitang is an ancient town in China. Do you know the ancient town in China?

18 Wuzhen is an ancient town in China. Do you know the ancient town in China?

19 Zhouzhuang is an ancient town in China. Do you know the ancient town in China?

20 Say a poem Vehicles, vehicles, on land I see buses. I see cars. Vehicles, vehicles, in water. I see ships. I see boats.

21 Say a poem Vehicles, vehicles, on land I see ______. Vehicles, vehicles, in water. I see ______.

22 Do you know the modern vehicles in the sky?

23 Hundreds of years ago, people had an idea ( 想 法 )of flying. They wanted to fly high in the sky like a bird. In April 1783 Montgolfier brothers in France ( 法国 ) made the first hot-air balloon. In September of the same year the first living animals -----a sheep, a duck, a cock travelled ( 旅行 ) two kilometers in the balloon. Do you know the ancient vehicles in the sky?

24 hot-air balloon Hot-air balloon is an ancient vehicle in the sky.

25 How can people go to the space? Shenzhou No 5 Spaceship Shenzhou No 6 Spaceship

26 People can take a spaceship to the space.

27 Do you know these places? Beijing Shanghai Hangzhou Hong Kong

28 Where can we go? What kind of vehicles can we take?

29 There are all kinds of _________in our life. We can see them everywhere( 到处 ). They are on land, in water, in the sky, in space.….. Light train is a kind of vehicles on _____. Steam boat is a kind of vehicles in _____. Hot air balloon is a kind of vehicles in the _____.Spaceship is a kind of vehicles in ______. Carriage is an ________vehicle. Underground,steam boat and spaceship are _________ vehicles. They are very _________to us. But sometimes( 有时 ) they are bad to us. Do you think so? vehicles water land space sky modern ancient useful

30 Argument 辩论赛 Vehicles are bad to us. Vehicles are useful to us.

31 Homework: Writing: A The vehicle I like B A new-type vehicle ( 新型的 )

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