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Pre-Algebra Quiz 2 Laws of Exponents Scientific Notation Square RootsPropertiesRandom 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-Algebra Quiz 2 Laws of Exponents Scientific Notation Square RootsPropertiesRandom 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-Algebra Quiz 2 Laws of Exponents Scientific Notation Square RootsPropertiesRandom 10 20 30 40 50

2 Simplify: (4a 2 ) (5a 4 )

3 Simplify: -40a 7 8a 3

4 Simplify: (a 5 ) 9

5 Rewrite with positive exponents: 4a -3

6 Simplify. Make sure all exponents are positive.

7 Write in scientific notation: 39,000,000,000

8 Write in scientific notation: 0.0000926

9 Write in standard form: 3.109 x 10 7

10 Write in standard form: 6 x 10 -5

11 In scientific notation, the first number (a) has to be a number between _____ and _____. a x 10 n

12 What is the square root of 100?

13 What is 12 2 ?

14 is between which two perfect squares and whole numbers? Which number is it closer to?



17 Which property is being used? 9 + 3x = 3x + 9

18 Which property is being used? 2 x (5 x 18) = (2 x 5) x 18

19 Which property is being used? 0.45 + (-0.45) = 0

20 Apply the distributive property: 5 (6 - 3x)

21 Apply the distributive property: -2 (-4x – 6)

22 What is the identity number for an addition problem? For a multiplication problem?

23 -91 + (-9) = ?

24 Evaluate using order of operations: 4 (50 ÷ 5 2 ) – 12

25 Evaluate if a = 3 b = -5 (a 2 – 11) – b

26 Evaluate if a = 4 b = -2 ab 3

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