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Properties of Exponents

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1 Properties of Exponents
Section 5-1

2 Objectives I can use all exponent rules to simplify expressions.

3 Properties of Exponents
Negative Exponents Multiplying Exponents Dividing Exponents Properties of Powers Zero Exponent

4 Negative Exponents For any real number a; and any integer n; where a  0; then the following is true:

5 Negative Exponents You cannot have negative exponents in any of your final simplified answers. You will use the previous rule to convert all negative exponents into positive exponents: Ex: x-3 =

6 Multiplying Powers For any real number a; and integers m & n;
am • an = am+n Example: x7 • x4 = x11

7 Dividing Powers For any real number a; and integers m & n;
am  an = am-n Example: x7  x4 = x3

8 Properties of Powers If m & n are integers, then the following hold true: Power of a Power: (am)n = amn Power of Product: (ab)m = ambm Example 1: (x3)4 = x12 Example 2: (xy2)3 = x3y6

9 Zero Exponent Given any number m, where m  0 Then m0 = 1 Examples :
(-89)0 = 1

10 Using Exponent Properties to Simplify Monomials
Simplify (2x2y3)(-5x4y2) We can write this in simplest expanded form: (2•x • x • y • y • y)(-5 • x • x • x • x • y • y ) Using commutative property to regroup (2 •–5)(x • x • x • x • x • x)(y • y • y • y • y) -10 x6 y5

11 Examples 2-3 Simplify (a4)5 a20 Simplify (-5p2s4)3 (-5)3p6s12

12 GUIDED PRACTICE for Examples 1 and 2 2 3 3. 9 SOLUTION 2 3 23 = 9 93 8
2 3 9 SOLUTION 2 3 9 23 93 = Power of a quotient property 8 729 = Simplify and evaluate power.

13 GUIDED PRACTICE for Examples 3, 4, and 5 s 3 2 7. t–4 SOLUTION s 3 2
= Power of a product property t–8 s6 = Evaluate power. s6t8 = Negative exponent property

14 GUIDED PRACTICE for Examples 3, 4, and 5 8. x4y–2 3 x3y6 SOLUTION
= (x4)3 (y–2)3 (x3)3(y6)3 Power of a powers property = x12y–6 x9y18 Power of a powers property = x3y–24 Power of a Quotient property x3 y24 = Negative exponent property

15 Simplify the expression. Tell which properties of exponents you used.
GUIDED PRACTICE for Examples 3, 4, and 5 Simplify the expression. Tell which properties of exponents you used. 5. x–6x5 x3 SOLUTION x–6x5x3 = x–6x5 + 3 Power of a product property = x2 Simplify exponents.

16 GUIDED PRACTICE for Examples 3, 4, and 5 6. (7y2z5)(y–4z–1) SOLUTION
Power of a product property = (7y2 – 4)(z5 +(–1)) Simplify = (7y–2)(z4) Negative exponent property = 7z4 y2

17 Homework Worksheet 8-1

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