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PHYS16 – Lecture 10 & 11 Force and Newton’s Laws September 29 and October 1, 2010

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1 PHYS16 – Lecture 10 & 11 Force and Newton’s Laws September 29 and October 1, 2010

2 Key Concepts: Force Force – Definition and Types – Center of Mass – Free Body Diagrams Newton’s Laws Friction

3 Newton’s Laws – First Law A body at rest remains at rest & a body in motion stays in motion unless acted on by a force – Doesn’t seem true because most objects don’t infinitely stay in motion, why? (friction) – Can see this is true if decrease air friction Example – Brick pushed along ground vs. Brick in cart pushed along ground

4 Newton’s Laws – Second Law If there is a NET force then the object is accelerated in the direction of the force. The magnitude of the acceleration is proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the object’s mass.

5 What happens if there is no net force? Scenario #1 – there are forces acting on the object, but they cancel Scenario #2 – there are no forces acting on the object If there is no NET force then no acceleration

6 Mechanical Equilibrium Mechanical Equilibrium – when F NET =0 – Static Equilibrium v= 0 F NET =0 Example – book on a table – Dynamic Equilibrium v= constant F NET =0 Example – car moving at constant speed

7 Newton’s Laws – Third Law Every action has an equal and opposite reaction Does this seem true? If I push a block does it push back on me? – Yes, I just have friction from floor keeping me in place – Can feel pressure of block on fingers So all reactionary forces – Normal, Friction, Tension will vary with the amount of applied force

8 Problem #1 I hold a 0.5 kg mass by a string so that it is still in space. What is the force I apply? – 5 N, upward

9 Problem #2 A mass is connected to a string which goes around a pulley. I hold the string at the other end. The mass is 0.5 kg. How much force do I have to apply? – 5 N, downward

10 Problem #3 Panda is in a box with a rope at one end. I pull Panda and box at 8.0 N at a constant velocity. The surface has a kinetic friction coefficient of 0.37. What is the mass of Panda and box? – 2.2 kg (there was a brick in the box) – What if I just pull Panda and box without brick at a constant velocity using a 2 N force, how much is the Panda/box mass? (0.55 kg)

11 Problem #4 I have a block with mass m sitting on an incline of θ. Assuming that there is friction, what is the frictional force in terms of m, g, and θ? – |F f |= mg sin(θ), direction is up the incline parallel to incline surface

12 Problem #5 A cart of mass M sits on a frictionless table. There is a a massless rope connected at one end of the cart that is horizontal, parallel to the table. The rope goes around a massless pulley and then is connected to a hanger of mass m hanging vertically from the pulley. The cart and hanger are accelerated at a value given by a. What is a in terms of M, m, and g? – a=mg/(m+M)

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