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Collecting and Handling Semen

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Presentation on theme: "Collecting and Handling Semen"— Presentation transcript:

1 Collecting and Handling Semen
4-H Veterinary Science Extension Veterinary Medicine 

2 Objectives Describe methods for semen collection
List the steps for handling semen for freezing

3 Purpose Evaluation Evaluate breeding soundness Breed artificially
Increases economic rewards Evaluate breeding soundness Breed artificially Storage Increase bred animals Reduce disease transmission


5 Semen Collection Species dependent Types Keep warm Avoid light
Artificial vagina (AV) Electroejaculator Palpation of accessory glands Keep warm Avoid light

6 AV Rigid tubular structure Jacket Tube on end Ideal Filled with water
Good sperm quality

7 Electroejaculator Sends electrical impulses Inserted rectally
Lower sperm quality Poor libido males

8 Palpation Seminal vesecles Epididymis Ampulla Vesicular glands
Prostate gland Cowper’s glands

9 Bull and Ram Collect with Mount Electroejaculator AV Palpation
Castrated animal Cow/ewe Dummy

10 Stallions Collect with AV Condoms Mount Mare Dummy (most common)



13 Boar Collect with AV (modified) Gloved hand technique (most common)
Electroejaculation (anesthetize)

14 Dogs and Cats Dogs Manual collection Cats AV collection

15 Semen Evaluation Macroscopically Microscopically Grossly Color Volume
Creamy, white or gray Volume Depends on age and species Consistency Concentration Microscopically Sperm motility Forward motion Morphology

16 Macroscopic evaluation
Motility Morphology Normal sperm composed of a head, mid-piece, and tail


18 Abnormalities in Semen
May swim in circles or in place Conformational problems Primary defects Originate in testicles more serious Secondary defects Acquired as sperm pass through the tubules and ducts of repro system also by poor handling Large number of either type may result in decreased fertility

19 Extending Diluted for insemination or for storage
Only highest quality of pure substances of various compounds should be used Increases the number of females to be bred with single ejaculate Provides energy source and protection Extenders include egg yolk phosphates, egg yolk-citrate, tris, homogenized milk, or cream and if frozen for long term glycerol Sometimes antibiotics are includes to prevent contamination of sperm

20 Storing Cool slowly Stored -130oC prevents crystal formation
Prevent cold shock Preserve viability Stored -130oC prevents crystal formation Accomplished by liquid nitrogen process called cyrostorage Various methods Straws


22 Storing Divided in ½ or 1 ml fractions
20 million cells per straw Labeled and placed into canes in canisters within liquid nitrogen tank Canisters are numbered for records


24 Thawing Quickly Warm water 10-30 seconds Ice water Few minutes

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