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 Cavalry- combat troops mounted originally on horseback.

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2  Cavalry- combat troops mounted originally on horseback

3  U.S Battleship Maine was sent to Havana Harbor.  The Maine was sent to Cuba to pick up and protect any American citizens if trouble developed in Cuba.

4  Battleship Maine exploded and sinks.  It was suggested in American newspapers that the ship was sabotaged by Spain. The Americans started crying for a war against Spain, but President McKinley still remembered the Civil War and did not want to involve the U.S. in another war.  Instead the U.S. demands an immediate withdrawal of Spain from Cuba.  He also orders a blockade against Spanish ships in Cuban ports.

5  McKinley tells Spain to leave Cuba…or else!  Spain agrees to leave

6  U.S. declares war with Spain.  The U.S. creates a joint resolution declaring their recognition of Cuba’s independence.

7  Battle of Santiago de Cuba.  The U.S. Navy defeats Spain’s Atlantic Fleet.  All of the Spanish ships are sunk or destroyed.

8  Spain lets go control of Cuba.  The U.S. took over the governing of the island.  They began a program that would lead to Cuban independence, but there were controls and restrictions.

9  Cuban Constitution was drafted.  The Platt Amendment was added, restricting Cuba’s ability to enter into treaties and gave the U.S. power to intervene in Cuban affairs.

10  The constitution was drafted.  Cuba became a U.S protectorate.

11  Cuba became an independent republic officially.

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