Giles Wiggs Sheffield Centre for International Drylands Research Aeolian dune processes and dynamics 2004 Joint Assembly Montreal, Canada.

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Presentation on theme: "Giles Wiggs Sheffield Centre for International Drylands Research Aeolian dune processes and dynamics 2004 Joint Assembly Montreal, Canada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Giles Wiggs Sheffield Centre for International Drylands Research Aeolian dune processes and dynamics 2004 Joint Assembly Montreal, Canada

2 Dunes in equilibrium…. Best 1993

3 Measurements of mean windspeed and sediment transport McKenna-Neumann et al 1997 Wiggs 2001 windspeed sand flux

4 Lancaster et al 1996 Measurements of shear velocity U*U* Wiggs 2001 mean shear velocity shear stress turbulence

5 Measurements of Reynolds turbulent stress Reynolds stress Streamline angle

6 Calibration of numerical models Parsons et al 2004


8 Other modelling approaches - complex systems Werner 1995 Momiji et al 2000 Baas 2002

9 Other modelling approaches - analytical solutions ( Hersen, Sauermann, Herrmann, Andreotti) Schwammle & Herrmann 2003 Hersen 2004

10 Hersen et al 2004 Output sand flux Dune width

11 Dunes in dis-equilibrium….? Parker Gay Jr 1999 Hersen 2004

12 Conclusions 1.dune research is in a healthy state! 2.measurements of airflow structure improving BUT requires improved understanding of turbulence / sediment transport relationships 3.calibration of computational models allowing greater understanding of form/flow interactions 4.results of analytical models suggest a requirement for more fieldwork focusing on:  dynamics of sediment transfers at the dune and inter-dune scale  longer time-series measurements of dune evolution

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