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International Data Link Symposium 2003 1st October 2003, Newbury, UK FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR CIVIL AVIATION DATA LINK FOR ADS-B BASED ON MIDS / LINK16 Bob.

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1 International Data Link Symposium 2003 1st October 2003, Newbury, UK FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR CIVIL AVIATION DATA LINK FOR ADS-B BASED ON MIDS / LINK16 Bob Darby ADS Programme

2 OUTLINE Background Scope of Study Results Next steps


4 Problem  Civil - Military Interoperability in a future surveillance environment, increasingly dependent on ADS-B  Difficulty & cost of fitting military aircraft with ADS-B equipment using currently defined ADS-B data links (1090ES, VDL Mode 4, UAT)

5 History  Civil - Military Interoperability is a prime concern of the EUROCONTROL Military Business Division (MIL BD) as well as of the ADS Programme.  Many military aircraft already carry MIDS/Link16 equipment with capabilities similar to ADS-B  Consider the possibility of adapting or developing MIDS/Link16 for civil aviation.  Ideas were developed and discussed between MIL BD, Industry and the ADS Programme.  Study contract call for tender issued.  Study was won by the Spanish company ISDEFE.  Final Report was completed in August 2003.


7 Scope of Study  To carry out a short Feasibility Study  to examine the possibilities that may exist for adapting or developing the existing military MIDS/Link 16 for use by civil aviation.  Such a system may support ADS-B, perhaps as part of a longer term (multi-link) capability to ensure civil- military interoperability. (Note that 1090 ES is the initial recommended ADS-B data link.)  MIDS/Link 16 should be considered for its possible advantages over and above the three existing ADS-B data links.  Any such link should also be capable of fulfilling all requirements for ADS-B Package 1 and beyond.

8 Main Issues  Technical Feasibility (Deliverable Report)  Economic Feasibility (Deliverable Report)  Development/ Testing/ Certification planning and time-scale aspects (Deliverable Report)  for installation on military & civil aircraft, including business aircraft and GA  consideration of special problems - e.g. power requirements, antenna installation  Institutional and security issues for release of design information (to allow a competitive market)  Overall assessment (Deliverable Report)

9 D2: Baseline Information & Assumptions (Deliverable Report)  Operational requirements from “ADS-B Package 1”  12 Ground Surveillance & Airborne Surveillance Applications  Consider Avionics & Ground Stations, including TIS-B  ADS-B system parameters, including capacity, to be as for TLAT (ADS-B Technical Link Assessment Team)  EUROCONTROL ADS-B Requirements & RTCA ADS-B MASPS.  Range & capacity requirement (to support ADS-B applications) are 150 NM and 1000 aircraft. (Core Europe scenario 2015)  MIDS/Link16 technology basis for surveillance only  Indicative planning to be compared with ADS-B Master Plan / Working Arrangements


11 D3: Technical Feasibility Report (Deliverable Report)  New set of messages required for ADS-B.  Software change only required for Military interoperability  Driving application for capacity is “Enhanced Visual Acquisition”, which offers potential safety benefits  Handling of the maximum traffic at required update rate with MIDS/L16 needs further investigation  Several options developed: varying by  number of frequencies used (1, 2, 7, 51)  fixed frequencies or frequency hopping  number of nets used  reporting rate (linked to use of contention mode & Rx update rate)  Best options are hopping, 7 or 51 frequencies, contention mode...  … which brings further advantages on interference and security  Options with minimal impact on military operations are possible

12 D4: Economic Feasibility Report (Deliverable Report)  Economic scenarios developed  Air Transport, Business and GA fleets, extrapolated to 2020  System Specification  On the basis of the Technical Feasibility Report, a System Specification was made - for manufacturer COTS estimates.  ViaSat has cooperated with the Study  non binding equipment proposal  indicative cost quotation  development & production time-scale (used for D5)  Comparison with 1090ES, VDL4, UAT costs  Competitive with Air Transport category costs  Probably not competitive with GA costs

13 D5: Development, Testing and Certification Planning Report (Deliverable Report)  Preliminary activities - leading to decisions } Considerable parallelism  Development planning  Testing planning  Certification planning  Production & delivery rates - from Viasat  Feasible to be ready for implementation before 2009  supported by independent European manufacturer review

14 D6: Final Report (Deliverable Report)  Brings together the four previous reports  Examines Institutional issues  Identifies open issues & substantial areas of further work  Overall conclusion (from a paper study) is encouraging, but there are significant Institutional issues to be solved before the new system would be able to be used as a data link to support ADS-B for civil aviation


16 Next Steps  Dissemination  Final Report & associated material issued on a CD-ROM  Presentations & Discussions  1-10-03: IDLS  3-10-03: NATO Air Traffic Management Committee (NATMC) CNS Group  15-10-03: EUROCONTROL Civil-Military Interface Standing Committee (CMIC)  15-10-03: EUROCONTROL Communications Team  22/23-10-03: EUROCONTROL ADS Programme Steering Group  18/19-11-03: EUROCONTROL Surveillance Team  date TBD: one day workshop  Recommendations  EUROCONTROL Management: CSM Unit, EMBD …  NATO...

17 Conclusions  Paper Study only; open issues include experimental work and system modelling, as well as institutional discussions  Report material available today  Indications: worth taking further  Preparation for discussions and decisions is in hand  One-day workshop planned  Contact  Bob Darby (  Costas Tamvaclis (  or visit the ADS Programme website, to download the Final Report from the “ADS Latest News” section: 

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