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Web design research By Keiran Jarrett.

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1 Web design research By Keiran Jarrett

2 Target audience The target audience is mainly tourist mainly from Japan I need to make the website attractive so they will come and visit the flat and Edinburgh. I might need to consider a translation tool for the website that will display the text in there own language.

3 Web structures web/mesh structure
Web/mesh structures Due to the internet web/mesh structures are becoming most common because websites also follow this type of structure. This structure shows that if you go on to a website you might not go straight to the home page and this may cause confusion but all the web pages are connects to each other. For example the home page is connected to the about page, the information page, the contact page and so forth. Also the pages are also connecting to each other through either links or a menu bar.

4 Web structures: hybrid structure
A combination/ hybrid structure is possible the complicated structure of them all because it could consist of more than one structure (E.G. a website might have a combination of a hierarchical and a web/mesh website). These are commonly found on the internet. For example; if you are on a website and you click on a link that takes you to a video on Youtube or another website the structure for that website might be completely different from the previous website and follow a linear structure.

5 Example of websites Website: Good colour concept.
Simple yet effected. Good layout Good spacing Eye catching logo Easy to understand To much blank spaces

6 Example websites Disneyland Florida website Good colour concept
Good quality of pictures Easy to understand Good contrasting text There is to much menus and sub-menus Strong eye catching logo Good layout

7 Example websites Website name: flatcatcher Good colour concept
Very plain No pictures No information Bad links Too simple Unattractive

8 Website structure The webpage will consist of roughly ten pages.
It will have a flat content page It will have a contact page It will have an about us page It will have a home page page It will have an Edinburgh page that will consist of a festival history, what to do and information page.

9 Edinburgh What festivals are normally on all year round?
What is there do? What historical monuments are there? Some background/general information on Edinburgh

10 Edinburgh Festivals Edinburgh military tattoo Edinburgh’s hogmanay
Blues & Jazz festival Film festival Arts festival Science Festival Historical monuments Edinburgh Castle St. George’s church Royal Scottish academy Scott monument Bank of Scotland Head office

11 Edinburgh What to do? Football Rugby Shopping Restaurants Nights out
Information Capital of Scotland Population Education Brief description of history

12 Useful websites

13 Screen resolution Date Higher 1024x768 800x600 640x480 Other
January 2012 85% 13% 1% 0% January 2011 14% January 2010 76% 20% 3% January 2009 57% 36% 4% January 2008 38% 48% 8% 6% January 2007 26% 54% January 2006 17%

14 Popular browsers 2012-2007 Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome Safari
Opera November 15.1 % 31.2 % 46.3 % 4.4 % 2.0 % December 20.2 % 37.7 % 34.6 % 4.2 % 2.5 % 27.5 % 43.5 % 22.4 % 3.8 % 2.2 % 37.2 % 46.4 % 9.8 % 3.6 % 2.3 % 46.0 % 44.4 % 2.7 % 2.4 % 56.0 % 36.3 % 1.2 % 1.8 % 1.6 %

15 Website features Photos, slideshows and videos can be used.
Translation tool Text fonts Menus and sub-menus Links to other websites Comments tool

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