Variety Meats Session Home.

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Presentation on theme: "Variety Meats Session Home."— Presentation transcript:

1 Variety Meats Session Home

2 Click on the name of a cut to go to photographs OR use the navigation buttons to move through the presentation. Beef Heart Pork Heart Lamb Heart Hearts Beef Kidney Pork Kidney Lamb Kidney Kidneys Beef Liver Pork Liver Lamb Liver Livers Beef Tongue Pork Tongue Lamb Tongue Tongues Tripe Oxtail Home Back one frame Table of contents Link to carcass Link to information Begin show C

3 Beef Heart Beef Heart is the largest among the three species. It weighs approximately six pounds.

4 Pork Heart Pork Heart has little exterior fat and is about the size of a softball.

5 Lamb Heart Lamb Heart has some exterior surface fat and is
typically the size of a baseball.

6 Heart (Beef, Pork, Lamb) Heart may be displayed whole or halved. They are typically cooked in liquid. Beef Pork Lamb

7 Beef Kidney Beef Kidney can be identified by the multiple lobes
and larger size. Lobes

8 Pork Kidney Pork Kidney has a smooth surface and is larger
than Lamb Kidney.

9 Lamb Kidney Lamb Kidney has a smooth surface and is bean shaped.

10 Kidney (Beef, Pork, Lamb)
Kidney is typically displayed whole and is cooked in liquid. Beef Lamb Pork

11 Beef Liver Beef Liver has two distinct lobes, smooth surface, and is
very large. It typically weighs ten to fourteen pounds. Lobe

12 Pork Liver Pork Liver has multiple distinct lobes and a honeycomb
pattern on the surface. Lobe

13 Lamb Liver Lamb Liver has two distinct lobes and is much smaller
than Beef Liver. Lobe

14 Liver (Lamb, Beef, Pork) Liver is typically displayed whole or sliced. It can be cooked in liquid or pan fried. Beef Lamb Pork

15 Beef Tongue Beef Tongue is very long and wide compared to pork and lamb. It has a rough surface and typically weighs about two pounds.

16 Pork Tongue Pork Tongue has a smoother surface and is smaller
than Beef Tongue.

17 Lamb Tongue Lamb Tongue has a rough surface and is the smallest
of the three.

18 Tongue (Pork, Lamb, Beef)
Tongue may be displayed whole or sliced and is typically cooked in liquid. Beef Pork Lamb

19 Tripe Tripe is cut from the rumen and reticulum of cattle. It typically has a honeycomb appearance; is cleaned and bleached.

20 Oxtail Oxtail is a crosscut of cattle tail. It has a bone in the center and is typically cooked in liquid. Bone

21 The End

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