Lesson 1: Length T. Trimpe 2008

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1 Lesson 1: Length T. Trimpe 2008 http://sciencespot.net/

2 Length The distance between two points

3 English vs. Metric Units Left Image: http://webapps.lsa.umich.edu/physics/demolab/controls/imagedemosm.aspx?picid=1167 Right Image: http://share.lancealan.com/N800%20ruler.jpg Which is longer? A. 1 mile or 1 kilometer B. 1 yard or 1 meter C. 1 inch or 1 centimeter 1.6 kilometers 1 mile 1 yard = 0.9444 meters 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters

4 We use metric measurements in science class. Why? –Its easier to convert (m to cm vs. yards to feet) - More countries use it! Non-metric countries: USA, Myanmar, Liberia

5 Measure Carefully and Always use Metric! http://www.cse.lehigh.edu/~gtan/bug/localCopies/marsOrbiter

6 Metric Units The basic unit of length in the metric system is the meter and is represented by a lowercase m. Standard: The distance traveled by light in absolute vacuum in 1⁄299,792,458 of a second. Metric Units 1 Kilometer (km) = 1000 meters 1 Meter = 100 Centimeters (cm) 1 Meter = 1000 Millimeters (mm) Click the image to watch a short video about the meter.

7 Try it! How long is your paper? –In cm? –In mm? How wide is your paper? –In cm? –In mm?

8 Measuring Length Ruler: http://www.k12math.com/math-concepts/measurement/ruler-cm.jpg How many millimeters are in 1 centimeter? What is the length of the line in centimeters? _______cm What is the length of the line in millimeters? _______mm What is the length of the line to the nearest centimeter? ________cm HINT: Round to the nearest centimeter – no decimals. 1 centimeter = 10 millimeters

9 Today’s lab Measuring the distance a marble will roll on tape of differing stickiness. Problem we will solve: –Which type of tape is the stickiest?

10 Graphing Title your graph (give a descriptive title!) Title your axis –Independent variable on the bottom –Dependent variable on the side –Include units!

11 Conclusion 1.Which is the stickiest tape? 2.Is your hypothesis supported or not? 3.What data did you use to support your answer to #2? 4.Why do we have to do five trials? 5.What were some sources of error? 6.What did you learn from this activity? How could you apply this new knowledge to your life?

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