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Presentation on theme: "HANDS OFF MY FRIEND STOP HATE CRIME NOW Chief Inspector Tony Callaghan."— Presentation transcript:

1 HANDS OFF MY FRIEND STOP HATE CRIME NOW Chief Inspector Tony Callaghan

2 Hands Off My Friend Police Service of Northern Ireland Incidents and Crimes Recorded by the Police in Northern Ireland with a Disability, Racist, Homophobic, Transphobic, Faith/Religious or Sectarian Motivation:

3 HANDS OFF MY FRIEND Definition of a hate incident: For the purposes of the project, a hate crime or incident is defined as: When an incident or crime has been reported to police by the victim or any other person that they perceive as being motivated by prejudice or hate, it will always be recorded and investigated as a hate incident or crime. Sectarian, Race, Homophobia, Religion, Disability, and Transphobia are the six hate crime categories A hate incident can be physical, verbal or written. The following list, which is by no means exhaustive, illustrates various forms of hate incidents: Violence or threats of violence against another person Touching or assaulting that person Verbal abuse, offensive language, name-calling and “jokes” Offensive and obscene gestures Theft or burglary Destroying or damaging another person’s property Offensive graffiti Hate mail, including letters or emails Harassment, bullying and victimisation Being refused service in a bank, shop, restaurant or public service Using an individual’s perception of the incident will ensure that statistics are gathered on a uniform basis; that is, that the victim or witness to an incident believes that the incident occurred because of hatred or prejudice motivated by one of the five considerations listed in the definition. Put simply, it is for the victim or or any other person to decide that an incident was motivated by hate.

4 HANDS OFF MY FRIEND Why Hate Crime? Impact of Hate Crime

5 HANDS OFF MY FRIEND AIMS/ OBJECTIVES Under Reporting Better Understanding Increased Reporting Opportunities Improved Confidence

6 HANDS OFF MY FRIEND Reporting Options Anonymously Through the web site Through the smart phone app Through an agency In these cases the victim or witness will be guaranteed their anonymity Direct report (report is made by the victim) By reporting to an agency that will be able to support the victim during the whole process By reporting it directly to the police

7 HANDS OFF MY FRIEND AGENCIES: The role of the agency Anonymity guaranteed Sharing of Information Sensitivity

8 WEB SITE – Home Page

9 WEB SITE – Report Page

10 WEB SITE – Agencies

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