How does e-learning fit into the existing accreditation framework in the Netherlands & Flanders ? Impressions based on workshops in.

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Presentation on theme: "How does e-learning fit into the existing accreditation framework in the Netherlands & Flanders ? Impressions based on workshops in."— Presentation transcript:

1 How does e-learning fit into the existing accreditation framework in the Netherlands & Flanders ? Impressions based on workshops in Rotterdam and Antwerp

2 Titel van de presentatie | H.J. de Tuinman | 30 maart 2003 NVAO & e-learning NVAO & e-learning | 2 0.OVERVIEW 1.Introduction 2.Accreditation 3.Accreditation framework 4.Some questions 5.The position of e-learning in the framework 6.Conclusions

3 Titel van de presentatie | H.J. de Tuinman | 30 maart 2003 NVAO & e-learning NVAO & e-learning | 3 1.INTRODUCTION (…) About NVAO -the accreditation organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (Belgium) -set up by international treaty -independent -various tasks

4 Titel van de presentatie | H.J. de Tuinman | 30 maart 2003 NVAO & e-learning NVAO & e-learning | 4 1.INTRODUCTION Member of the European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA) -founded in November 2003 -members from 9 countries -aim: mutual recognition of accreditation decisions in 2007 -position of the NVAO

5 Titel van de presentatie | H.J. de Tuinman | 30 maart 2003 NVAO & e-learning NVAO & e-learning | 5 2.ACCREDITATION Programme accreditation (obligatory) -accreditation decision = yes / no -based on an external assessment report -no ranking -validity: -the Netherlands: 6 years -Flanders: 8 years

6 Titel van de presentatie | H.J. de Tuinman | 30 maart 2003 NVAO & e-learning NVAO & e-learning | 6 3.ACCREDITATION FRAMEWORK Assessment framework: 6 subject  facets  criteria -Subjects: -(2.1) aims and objectives of the degree course -(2.2) programme -(2.3) staff -(2.4) facilities -(2.5) internal quality assurance system -(2.6) results

7 Titel van de presentatie | H.J. de Tuinman | 30 maart 2003 NVAO & e-learning NVAO & e-learning | 7 4.SOME QUESTIONS Which group do you belong to? -Based in e-learning and interested in quality of education? -Based in quality of education and interested in e-learning?

8 Titel van de presentatie | H.J. de Tuinman | 30 maart 2003 NVAO & e-learning NVAO & e-learning | 8 5.POSITION OF ELEARNING IN THE FRAMEWORK Basic stance: -You are responsible! -The burden of proof rests with you: how are you going to convince us of the basic quality of your degree course?

9 Titel van de presentatie | H.J. de Tuinman | 30 maart 2003 NVAO & e-learning NVAO & e-learning | 9 5.E-LEARNING IN THE FRAMEWORK (…) Two fundamental questions -How does e-learning feature in your mission, your ambition, your aims, and objectives? -How do you aspire to be assessed with respect to e-learning?

10 Titel van de presentatie | H.J. de Tuinman | 30 maart 2003 NVAO & e-learning NVAO & e-learning | 10 5.E-LEARNING IN THE FRAMEWORK (…) Following the answers to the fundamental question 2 -Self evaluation -Filling in the framework -Selecting themes and standards suitable for the contributions on e-learning that you decided on -Formulating these contributions

11 Titel van de presentatie | H.J. de Tuinman | 30 maart 2003 NVAO & e-learning NVAO & e-learning | 11 5.E-LEARNING IN THE FRAMEWORK (…) Relationship between answers to fundamental questions and procedural steps -Ideally: answers first, steps next -Realistically: at least partially reverse order, as the framework may well inspire you to certain answers

12 Titel van de presentatie | H.J. de Tuinman | 30 maart 2003 NVAO & e-learning NVAO & e-learning | 12 5.E-LEARNING IN THE FRAMEWORK (…) Examples? -NO: as yet no applications for accreditation featuring true e-learning (how come?) -YES: response from two interactive workhops on the position of e-learning in the NVAO framework -Rotterdam (NL): March 2004 -Antwerp (FL): March 2005

13 Titel van de presentatie | H.J. de Tuinman | 30 maart 2003 NVAO & e-learning NVAO & e-learning | 13 5.E-LEARNING IN THE FRAMEWORK (…) Workshop participants’ top-3 standards (results pooled for total of n = 70) -(2.2) Programme: Form and content -(2.3) Staff: Quality of staff -(2.4) Facilities: Infrastructure

14 Titel van de presentatie | H.J. de Tuinman | 30 maart 2003 NVAO & e-learning NVAO & e-learning | 14 6.CONCLUSIONS -So far only limited forms of e-learning -No prescribed way of presenting e-learning in applications for accreditation -You, as degree course provider, are responsible for deciding how you aspire to be assessed with respect to e-learning -A general framework like NVAO’s may well accomodate e-learning in all its diversity + your experiences count !

15 Titel van de presentatie | H.J. de Tuinman | 30 maart 2003 NVAO & e-learning NVAO & e-learning | 15 CONTACT Fred Mulder -+31 70 312 23 54 Nancy Van San -+31 70 312 23 65

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