Duct numbering for EE- Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/2004 06.B 06.A07.B 07.A 08.B 08.A 09.B 09.A 10.B 10.A 11.B 11.A 12.B12.A 13.B 13.A 14.B 14.A 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Duct numbering for EE- Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/2004 06.B 06.A07.B 07.A 08.B 08.A 09.B 09.A 10.B 10.A 11.B 11.A 12.B12.A 13.B 13.A 14.B 14.A 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Duct numbering for EE- Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/2004 06.B 06.A07.B 07.A 08.B 08.A 09.B 09.A 10.B 10.A 11.B 11.A 12.B12.A 13.B 13.A 14.B 14.A 1

2 Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/2004 Duct 05.A Duct 05.B LV1 4*7.4 (172) LV2 4*6.1 (120) HV 1*15.3 (184) OF 3*4.3X2 (27) signal 1*9 (64) LV1 4*7.4 (172) LV2 4*6.1 (120) HV 1*15.3 (184) OF 2*4.3X2 (18) signal 1*9 (64) B ret OF 15*4.3X2 (129) HV 4*14 (616) Sniff 1*6 (29) P F P ret LV 10*12.2 (1169) CO 1*14 con (154) Signal 1*10 (79) CO 1*14 is (314mm**2) CO 1*14 con (154) N2 1*8 (51) sn N2 Sum: (1960) Sum: (1860) Similar to Duct 03.B Similar to Duct 03.A View towards I.P. for EE+ View from I.P. for EE- Duct 06.B Duct 06.A 2 Note that the EE HV cables are only the indicated size where there is no space problem. The mantle is cut off elsewhere (curves) and saves almost 60% of cross section.

3 Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/2004 Duct 04.A Duct 04.B LV1 4*7.4 (172) LV2 4*6.1 (120) HV 1*15.3 (184) OF 5*4.3X2 (45) signal 1*9 (64) LV1 8*7.4 (344) LV2 8*6.1 (240) HV 2*15.3 (368) signal 2*9 (128) P F Pret HV 4*14 (616) CO 1*14 is (314) OF 15*4.3X2 (129) LV 10*12.2 (1169mm**2) CO 1*14 con (154) Signal 1*10 (79) P F Sum: (2149) Sum: (1987) Similar to Duct 02.A Similar to Duct 02.B Duct 07.B Duct 07.A 3

4 Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/2004 Duct 03.A Duct 03.B LV1 4*7.4 (172) LV2 4*6.1 (120) HV 1*15.3 (184) OF 5*4.3X2 (45) signal 1*9 (64) LV1 4*7.4 (172) LV2 4*6.1 (120) HV 1*15.3 (184) OF 3*4.3X2 (27) Signal 1*9 (64) OF 15*4.3X2 (129) HV 2*14 (308) LV 10*12.2 (1169) CO 1*14 con (154) Signal 1*10 (79) CO 4*10 is (804mm**2) CO 1*14 is (314) CO 1*12 is (255) CO 1*14 con (154) OES R P F Pret BF OES F FES F Sum: (1969) Sum: (2549) Similar to Duct 05.B Similar to Duct 05.A Duct 08.B Duct 08.A 4

5 Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/2004 Duct 02.A Duct 02.B LV1 4*7.4 (172) LV2 4*6.1 (120) HV 1*15.3 (184) OF 2*4.3X2 (18) signal 1*9 (64) PE 1*3.6 (10) LV1 8*7.4 (344) LV2 8*6.1 (240) HV 2*15.3 (368) OF 4*4.3X2 (36) signal 2*9 (128) P F Pret LV 10*12.2 (1169mm**2) CO 1*14 con (154) Signal 1*10 (79) CO 2*14 is (628) Laser 1*10 (79) OF 15*4.3X2 (129) Co 1*14 (154) P F MEM 24*2.2 (92) MEM 4*1.5X2 (12) MEM 6*2X10 (120) Note: additional cables between MEM and balconies: Hybrid (5V,2.5V Ving, sensing for all) 2*12.3 (238), OF 2*4.3X2 (18) MEM cables (MEM 24*2.2 (92), MEM 4*1.5X2 (12) and MEM 6*2X10 (120) )are only between MEM and Dees Sum: (2340) Sum: (2403) Sum: (2122) Similar to Duct 04.B Similar to Duct 04.A DCS 1*11 (95) DCS 1*7.2 (41) DCS 1*5.8 (26) Duct 09.B Duct 09.A 5 P F ret B Note: PE is only in in 9A-/2B+ for ES and not in 18A-/11B+

6 Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/2004 Duct 01.A CO 1*71 (3960) Duct 10.B 6

7 Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/2004 Duct 01.B CO 1*71 (3960) Duct 10.A 7

8 Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/2004 Duct 18.B LV1 4*7.4 (172) LV2 4*6.1 (120) HV 1*15.3 (184) OF 2*4.3X2 (18) signal 1*9 (64) P F Pret LV 10*12.2 (1169mm**2) CO 1*14 con (154) Signal 1*10 (79) Sum: (2122) Similar to Duct 16.B Duct 11.A Duct 18.A CO 2*14 is (628) Co 1*14 (154) P F HV 4*14 (616) OF 15*4.3X2 (129) Sum: (2652) Similar to Duct 16.A Duct 11.B 8 P F LV1 8*7.4 (344) LV2 8*6.1 (240) HV 2*15.3 (368) OF 5*4.3X2 (45) signal 2*9 (128) DCS 1*11 (95) DCS 1*7.2 (41) DCS 1*5.8 (26) ret B

9 Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/2004 Duct 17.A LV1 4*7.4 (172) LV2 4*6.1 (120) HV 1*15.3 (184) OF 3*4.3X2 (27) Signal 1*9 (64) LV 10*12.2 (1169) CO 1*14 con (154) Signal 1*10 (79) P F Pret Sum: (1969) Similar to Duct 15.A Duct 12.B Duct 17.B LV1 4*7.4 (172) LV2 4*6.1 (120) HV 1*15.3 (184) OF 5*4.3X2 (45) signal 1*9 (64) CO 4*10 is (804mm**2) CO 1*14 is (314) CO 1*12 con (113) CO 1*14 con (154) OES R BF OES F Sum: (2407) Similar to Duct 15.B Duct 12.A FES R 9 OF 15*4.3X2 (129) HV 2*14 (308)

10 Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/2004 Duct 16.A LV1 8*7.4 (344) LV2 8*6.1 ( 240) HV 2*15.3 (368) signal 2*9 (128) P F Sum: (2139) Similar to Duct 18.A Duct 13.B Duct 16.B LV1 4*7.4 (172) LV2 4*6.1 (120) HV 1*15.3 (184) OF 5*4.3X2 (45) signal 1*9 (64) P F Pret LV 10*12.2 (1169mm**2) CO 1*14 con (154) Signal 1*10 (79) Sum: (1987) Similar to Duct 18.B Duct 13.A 10 HV 4*14 (616) CO 1*14 is (314) OF 15*4.3X2 (129)

11 Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/2004 Duct 15.A LV1 4*7.4 (172) LV2 4*6.1 (120) OF 2*4.3X2 (18) signal 2*9 (128) 14/23 P ret LV 10*12.2 (1169) CO 1*14 con (154) Signal 1*10 (79) Sum: (1840) Similar to Duct 17.A Duct 14.B Duct 15.B LV1 2*7.4 (86) LV2 2*6.1 (60) HV 1*15.3 (184) OF 2*4.3X2 (18) signal 1*9 (64) B ret HV 6*14 (924) OF 15*4.3X2 (129) Sniff 1*6 (29) P F CO 1*14 is (314mm**2) CO 1*14 con (154) N2 1*8 (51) sn N2 Sum: (2126) Similar to Duct 17.B Duct 14.A N2/sniff 1*12 (113) N2 Note: ES N2 pipe is input on one Dee and output on other Dee (same diameter) 11 Note: in 14B-/15A+ for ES only LV2 2*6.1 and not 4! whereas in 5B-/6A+ LV2 4*6.1 existent Note: in the ducts 14B-/15A+/5B-/6A+ ES LV1 and ES LV2 all cables run to counting room since used for heating

12 History Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/200412 1.Move ES services out of 10B-/10A- into 9A-/11B- (no space in ducts with ES pipes). 2.Move PF from 7A- to 9A- and from 13B- to 11B- to avoid crossing of cooling pipe over ring flange bean. 3.Move half of OF from 6B-/8B-/13B-/11B- to 7A-/9A-/14A-/12A- to have less crossings. 4.Move half of HV from 7A-/9A-/14A-/12A- to 6B-/8B-/13B-/11B- to have less crossings. 5.Change of DCS scheme: no DCS cable anymore in 7B-/13A-, but 3 DCS cables in 9B- /11A-, no overall cross section increase. New version 14/7/03 to avoid crossing of services at EE patch panel area according to Justins proposal of patch panel design of spring 03: New version 6/8/03 to increase LV cable sets to 20/Quadrant (before 18/Quadrant) because of new EE-mechatronics design of Tony: 1.2 more LV EE cables each in ducts 7B-,9B-,11A-,13A-. New version 11/8/03 to increase space in ducts for ES cooling pipes. 1.Move EE backplate return pipes from 10B-/10A- into 9A-/11B-.

13 History(2) Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/200413 1.Remove one OF from of 9A-. 2.Remove separate LV cables for controls 14A- (are part of standard LV system) New version 23/9/03 to adapt latest version of ES services: New version 03/12/03 to adapt latest version of EE/ES services: 1.One ES unit contains now only one signal- (control) cable instead of 2 with exception of duct 14B-. 2.One ES LV unit contains now of 4*7.4 and 4*6.1 instead of 6*7.4 3.MEM services adopted to new information 4.EE HV 2*13 mantles/Dee (each has 13/12 coax) replaces single coaxes, changed some positions to equalize filling factors. New version 2/03/04 to adapt latest version of EE/ES services: 1.In 14B- ES now only 2 LV 6.1mm instead of 4 (but not other Dee (5B-), where are still 4) 2.In 14A- ES only 2 LV 6.1mm and 2 LV 7.4mm instead of 4 each before 3.Only 4 signal cables/Quadrant for EE instead of 6 before 4.One more optical fiber in all ducts where there was a fiber for ES (spare)

14 History(3) Wolfgang Funk - CERN CMS 30/07/200414 1. 4 less OF spares/ Dee than before. 2. Implement 1 OF spare per double MEM 3. Implement 1 protection conductor per ES disk New version 30/7/04 to adapt latest version of ES/EE services:

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