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Tia Chung Stefan Schmidlin Michael Perez. Purpose of the System Voxboxe is: za personal speech-activated unified messaging system za natural interface.

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Presentation on theme: "Tia Chung Stefan Schmidlin Michael Perez. Purpose of the System Voxboxe is: za personal speech-activated unified messaging system za natural interface."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tia Chung Stefan Schmidlin Michael Perez

2 Purpose of the System Voxboxe is: za personal speech-activated unified messaging system za natural interface for managing voice-mail & e-mail zdesigned to replace conventional answering machines and touch-tone messaging services ztargeted for home users with low-volume needs zimplemented as a desktop application to simulate a service provided over telephone.

3 Scope of the System The system allows the user to: zlisten to and send voice-mail messages zlisten to e-mail messages (via text-to-speech) zsend e-mail messages (via file attachment) zmanage an address-book (store names, telephone numbers and/or email addresses) zcustomize their PIN code and greeting.

4 Overview of the System Navigational tree of the system:

5 Usage Scenario 1 zuser calls voxboxe and logs onto system y“Welcome to voxboxe…” – Enter PIN Code zenters the main menu and wants to listen y“Main menu: 2 new voice-mails…” – “Listen” zchooses voice messages y“Listen menu:…” – “Voice messages please” zhears message and saves it y“End of message…” – “Save”

6 Usage Scenario 2 zfrom the main menu, user wants to send e-mail y“Main menu:…” – “Send an e-mail please” zspeaks name of recipient and confirms y“End of message…” – “Mike”, “Yes” zstarts recording the message and stops y“Please say make recording…” – “Record” + # zpreviews message before sending y“Say send if you…” – “Preview”, “Send”

7 Usage Scenario 3 zuser wants to change personal options y“Main menu…” – “Personal options” zchooses PIN code y“Personal options:…” – “PIN Code” zenters new PIN code to 5678 & confirms y“PIN Code…” – “Five Six Seven Eight”, “Yes” zleaves the system y“Personal options:…” – “Goodbye”

8 Design Goals zquick learnability zfast error recovery zcomparable usage time to existing voice-mail and e-mail retrieval systems

9 Development Methodology Prototype development methodology: zuser-centered & iterative z“What do you want to do when you’re done user testing?” y“Do more testing!”

10 Prompts & Dialogue Flow z“short ‘n’ sweet” z“Hot dog! What is Mr. Robot doing now?!?” ythe importance of feedback

11 Grammars z“What can I say?”

12 Error-Handling z“Hey you, I’m not the one having problems! I’m human, I can talk. You’re the one with the problems, Mr. Robot!” - disgruntled user of an earlier prototype version zthe importance of progressive assistance and explicit help

13 Menu Hierarchy Functions implemented in Part II Initial Prototype:

14 Vocabulary Some definitions: zprompt zutterance zgrammar z“barge-in” zenergy vs. recognition

15 Summary of Evaluation The good: zstructure zfunctionality zprompts zfeedback -> visibility of system status zprofessionalism

16 Summary of Evaluation The bad: znumber / address recognition zthe “hang-up” problem zhelp zerror prevention znaturalness – is it just the TTS Engine?

17 We took the hint… Usability problems: zclearer affordances yprompts ygrammars zfree navigation zverbosity

18 We took the hint (cont’d)… Technical problems: znumbers and addresses – speech is not everything! zrandom recognition at startup

19 …but sometimes we didn’t zcreeping featurism? z“hang-up” problem zconversational style …or couldn’t: zresponse time zrecognition performance – terse vs. personal

20 Concluding Summary Fundamental HCI Concepts: zfeedback z“visibility” zconceptual model zaffordances zmapping

21 Concluding Summary Ben Shneiderman’s Golden Rules: zenable frequent users to use shortcuts zoffer informative feedback zoffer simple error handling zpermit easy reversal of actions zreduce short-term memory load

22 Concluding Summary “Speech has a number of properties that need to be taken into account by the designer. For example, while it is faster to speak than to write, it is faster to read than to listen to speech. This is good for input, bad for retrieval.” - Bill Buxton: Speech, Language & Audition

23 Concluding Summary zimportance of early and continual user-testing ziterative and user-centered design process z“…an interactive appliance or application designed for a home environment.”

24 The End

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