SRY Toward an Intelligence Studies Honor Society.

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Presentation on theme: "SRY Toward an Intelligence Studies Honor Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 SRY Toward an Intelligence Studies Honor Society

2 HISTORY Listserv discussion “Related discipline” ◦Criminal Justice ◦National Security Studies

3 Why an Intel Honor Society? Mentorship Academic legitimacy Employment ◦Start at higher salary ◦Networking Publishing / Presenting

4 Challenges Management Standards ◦Individual Criteria (GPA, Credits) ◦Program Criteria  Level (Associates, Bachelors, Graduate, Professional)  Brick & Mortar / Distance (On-Line) Institutions ◦“Related fields” Cost

5 Eligibility Students at Accredited 2 year, 4 year, and Graduate programs ◦Intelligence Studies ◦Related Fields  National Security Studies  Homeland Security Studies  Others ◦Brick and Mortar / Distance Learning International Students Faculty Professional Certificates?

6 2 Year Institutions - Criteria Intelligence Related Fields Program results in the awarding of an Associates Degree Completion of 1 year Completion of 3 Intelligence Courses (9 Credits) 3.2 GPA (4.0 Scale), 3.5 GPA in discipline

7 4 Year Institutions - Criteria Intelligence Related Field of Study (or minor in related field) Program results in the awarding of a Bachelors Degree Completion of 2 years Completion of 4 intelligence related courses (12 Credits) 3.2 GPA (4.0 Scale), 3.5 GPA in discipline

8 Graduate Students Completion of 4 intelligence courses (12 credits) Program results in a Masters or Doctorate Thesis or Dissertation has Intelligence Focus / Component 3.2 GPA (4.0 Scale), 3.5 GPA in discipline Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies? Graduate Certificate?

9 Non-U.S. Students Program equivalent to US standard GPA equivalent to 3.5/3.2 standard

10 Faculty Permanent, contracted or adjunct faculty at an accredited institution in an intelligence related field Does not need Intelligence related degree if otherwise qualified to teach

11 Practitioners Permanent or contracted intelligence professional 5 years in Field Completion of Agency/Service Intelligence Training Does not need Intelligence related degree if otherwise qualified for position Honorary members?

12 Nomination Faculty nomination Individual applicants? Verification of Qualification ◦Transcripts ◦Faculty certification

13 Other Service/Agency Academies? ACE credits?

14 National (International) Organization Role ◦Articulate Vision, Plan Mission, Establish Goals, Identify Objectives; and Assess and Improve Outcomes Legal and Regulatory Requirements ◦Articles of Incorporation, Tax Status ◦Address, Contact ◦Purpose ◦Governance

15 Officers and Directors Chair and Officers ◦National Officers  Chair an IAFIE Board Member?  President, President-Elect, Past-President  Others ◦ Faculty Advisor ◦ Executive Director ◦ At-large members ◦Chapter (B & M)  President  VP  Secretary/Treasurer

16 Governance Annual Meeting ◦Prior to / After IAFIE Annual Conference  1 voting member per Chapter  Select Officers and Committees  Review/Revise Policies  Other business Committees ◦Nominating ◦Awards ◦Editorial /Publications

17 Finance Funding Determines Structure ◦National  Initiation Fees  Annual Meeting  Additional Revenue Streams ◦Chapter  Chapter Initiation Fees  Dues Potential Expenses ◦Certificates ◦Publications ◦Annual Meeting

18 Local Chapters Brick and Mortar ◦Hosted by Intelligence Studies Program ◦Must have faculty chair and 10 (?) members ◦Create local by-laws ◦Installed by National Officer ◦Other  Fundraising  Charity

19 Virtual Chapters On-Line / Distance Learning ◦Managed by Faculty ◦No regular meetings ◦Primarily a recognition ◦Officers?

20 Joint Chapters Multiple Schools ◦Institutions within 50 miles ◦Lack of enough membership at anyone school ◦Faculty involvement from each institution represented ◦Other B & M criteria apply

21 General Chapter Information Program selects members ◦Nominated by faculty ◦Application by students ◦Transcripts required Designation ◦Chapters designated by Greek letter(s)  First chapter is Alpha Chapter, Second is Beta Chapter, etc.

22 Discussion Questions Comments Suggestions

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