CPSC 701.81 Ubiquitous Computing Topic: Proxemic Interactions #include #define PORT 12997 /* The port number of the server */ main() { intmain_sock, new_sock,

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Presentation on theme: "CPSC 701.81 Ubiquitous Computing Topic: Proxemic Interactions #include #define PORT 12997 /* The port number of the server */ main() { intmain_sock, new_sock,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CPSC 701.81 Ubiquitous Computing Topic: Proxemic Interactions #include #define PORT 12997 /* The port number of the server */ main() { intmain_sock, new_sock, count; structsockaddr_in server; /* Create a socket */ if (( main_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0 problem("Socket problem"); /* Name the socket using wildcards */ bzero (&server, sizeof (server)); server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; server.sin_port = htons(PORT); /* Set the options of the socket */ count = 1; if ((setsockopt(main_sock, SOL_SOCKET) SO_REUSEADDR, problem ("Bind problem.") } /* Bind the socket to the address */ if (bind(main_sock, &server, sizeof server) < 0)

2 Your Hosts Saul Greenberg human computer interaction computer supported cooperative work ubicomp Nic Marquardt PhD student proxemic interactions

3 Your Hosts Contact information Saul: saul.greenberg@ucalgary.ca Nic: nicolai.marquardt@ucalgary.ca Office hours MS 680 – Interactions Laboratory or ME-dia Space by appointment: oemail to arrange one by email any time before class for brief meetings drop in for urgent requests obut no guarantees!

4 Draw a computer



7 We can do better

8 But we need to revisit how we think about computers

9 CPSC 701.81 Ubiquitous Computing Topic: Proxemic Interactions #include #define PORT 12997 /* The port number of the server */ main() { intmain_sock, new_sock, count; structsockaddr_in server; /* Create a socket */ if (( main_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0 problem("Socket problem"); /* Name the socket using wildcards */ bzero (&server, sizeof (server)); server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; server.sin_port = htons(PORT); /* Set the options of the socket */ count = 1; if ((setsockopt(main_sock, SOL_SOCKET) SO_REUSEADDR, problem ("Bind problem.") } /* Bind the socket to the address */ if (bind(main_sock, &server, sizeof server) < 0)

10 Course contents in-depth course in Ubiquitous Computing case-study: leading edge research topic in Ubicomp oproxemic interactions involves osignificant research component obackground knowledge / experience in HCI preferred

11 Course contents Core concepts What is ubiquitous computing? What is proxemic interactions? lectures, readings, discussions, mentoring…

12 Daniel Vogel, Ravin Balakrishnan. (2004). Interactive public ambient displays: transitioning from implicit to explicit, public to personal, interaction with multiple users. Proceedings of UIST 2004 – the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. p. 137-146

13 Minority Report, excerpt

14 Course contents Core concepts Case studies How can proxemic interactions be realized in various situations? oreadings in list oreadings you discover opresentations by you and visitors odiscussions / blog entries oyour research projects

15 Course contents Core concepts Case studies How can proxemic interactions be realized in various situations? osocial theory otechnological infrastructures otoolkits ointeraction techniques oapplication domains oways it has been applied to design …

16 Primary Resources course site www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~saul/ lecture materials slides and readings see web site readings see web site software see software video archive.

17 The Blog blog site http://cpsc70181.blogspot.com/ You can post comment Expected of all readings thoughts of one or two issues relate reading to oother papers or oeveryday word or opersonal experiences / research, etc,.

18 How you will be evaluated Assignments- 20% Various exercises in learning/applying a technique Assignment 1: Proximity toolkit hello world Assignment 2: Teaching others various toolkits oAR Toolkit, Phidgets, OpenCV, etc. Written / oral presentations – 20% on-going: paper presentation, discussion & blog entries your topic: propose (1/2 page) & present selected topic(s) Project - 60% major project defined by you ideally fits with your research interests can be field research, technology, or a mix milestones, demonstration / presentation / paper

19 How you will be evaluated Project - 60% propose and carry through a major project in this area Usually concerns applied technology development orealistic and of value opersonally relevant oinnovative opublishable Deliverables initial proposal detailed proposal periodic reporting / demonstrations of milestones end of term: oconference-style presentation opaper (8-10 pages, ACM style) oarchive


21 You are a Researcher, not a Hacker Learner to learn, to know, to understand, to apply Professional speaking, writing, presentations Contributor participate in all ways, in depth Critique question and challenge Computer Scientist process, coding, competent Social Scientist query, observe, analyze, understand Designer Implications, insight and application

22 For Next Week Readings as assigned The blog Sign up to the blog Write a short summary of your thoughts about each paper Take, post and describe a digital photo showing: oan existing (non-technical) example of proxemic interaction oan idea of a proxemic-aware system (be creative!)

23 For Next Week Presentation presentation topic suggestions Project proposal suggestions

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