An investigation of the situated learnability effects of single- and dual-modal systems in education: a report of music-oriented learning environment and.

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1 An investigation of the situated learnability effects of single- and dual-modal systems in education: a report of music-oriented learning environment and science computer-assisted teaching studies. 指導教授: Ming-puu,Chen 報 告 者: Yun-fang,Chou 報告日期: 2006/11/14 Truman S.M.&Truman P. J. (2006).An investigation of the situated learnability effects of single- and dual-modal systems in educational report of music-oriented learning environment and science computer-assisted teaching studies. British Journal of Educational Technology, 37(1), 131-142.

2 Introduction Comparing the situated learnability effects of text only and text and auditory-verbal mixes using two e-learning systems. Focusing on two different domains of the mainstream education curriculum— 1.SCi-CAT (science computer-assisted teaching) : SCi-CAT has been designed to support science learning in the areas of chemistry, physics, and biology. 2.MOLE(music-oriented learning environment2) : Additionally, the original MOLE environment to support music learning is also used here.

3 Motivation Useful studies have indicated that information presented via auditory elements is associated with an increased level of learnability as opposed to information relayed via text alone ( Murdock,1968; Watkins&Watkins,1980 ). Audio verbal proves effective for short periods of time, text alone is more effective for retaining information over longer periods of time( Najjar,1998 ). Other studies have reported no difference between text only and auditory-verbal elements ( Van Mondfrans &Travers,1964 ).

4 Motivation Studies that focus on the simultaneous presentation of multimedia elements suggest providing closely related information through differing multimedia elements can enhance learning performance ( Paivio & Csapo,1973 ). Recent studies have focused upon the synchronous presentation of verbal-pictorial information which although related does not relay identical information in both processing channels.

5 Theoretical background The roles of perception and attention A vast amount of information presented simultaneously may result in cognitive overload because of the limited capacity and retention capability of sensory memory as identified by Sperling(1960).

6 Theoretical background Multimedia groupings and targeting attention It is important that multimedia elements are used to emphasize the content message within educational programmes. If this is not the case, the learner’s attention may be distracted. Only by effectively designing educational systems that correspond to the learner’s cognitive processes and by using multimedia groupings to emphasize the content message can we seek to harness the transfer of information from the learner’s short-term memory (STM) to long-term memory (LTM).

7 Theoretical background Understanding human memory in educational system design There are two schools of thought regarding the transference of information from STM to LTM: 1.If information within the STM is rehearsed, then it may be absorbed into the LTM (Atkinson&Shiffrin,1968 ). 2.If meaning is applied to the information contained within the STM,then this may lead to the transference of information depending upon the depth of processing ( Craik & Lockhart, 1972 ).

8 Theoretical background Maximising learnability at the interface via memory considerations Regardless of what stance is adopted, it is apparent that the simultaneous presentation of identical text and narration elements holds long-term benefits for learning.

9 Research hypotheses SCi-CAT and MOLE e-learning systems will be used in experiments as vehicles to test the following hypotheses: 1.The simultaneous presentation of identical text and auditory–verbal information within a bimodal interface will significantly enhance learnability and recall of learned concepts. 2.The enhancement of learning and recall via bimodal presentation of text and auditory–verbal elements is not mutually exclusive to a particular domain of the mainstream curriculum.

10 Learning material SCi-CAT (Figure1)Figure1 Comprises of six short interactive lessons related to physics, chemistry, and biology. MOLE(Figure2)Figure2 Consists of six short interactive lessons relating to music theory fundamentals such as clefs and note positions, note values, time signatures, musical scales, chords and stave markings, and associated terminology.

11 Interfaces and the assignment to control and experimental groups

12 Figure 1: Illustrating presentation of concepts and comprehension test for SCi-CAT

13 Figure 2: Illustrating presentation of concepts and comprehension test for MOLE

14 Format of the experiments

15 Results

16 Findings The auditory–verbal (voice) condition is associated with a significant increase in the learnability and recall of concepts within a multimedia educational environment. This outcome is not mutually exclusive to any particular area of the mainstream curriculum but is consistent across domains.

17 Conclusions The nature of this study has suggested that this is the case when narrated text is identical to text presented at the interface. This finding was consistent across two unrelated domains of the mainstream educational curriculum. The findings reported by this study are consistent with those identified by Badii and Truman (2001).

18 報告結束 Thanks

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