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Series and Parallel Circuits Series circuit: Current is the same in all elements (voltages add) Parallel circuit: Voltage is the same in all elements (Currents.

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Presentation on theme: "Series and Parallel Circuits Series circuit: Current is the same in all elements (voltages add) Parallel circuit: Voltage is the same in all elements (Currents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Series and Parallel Circuits Series circuit: Current is the same in all elements (voltages add) Parallel circuit: Voltage is the same in all elements (Currents add)

2 US Electrical power Look at the text, which Shows an interesting Distinction between Utility producers and Non-utility producers In terms of this mix. (p 319) see for Information on actual energy consumed by fuel type.

3 US Electrical Power Generation

4 North American Power Plants Another interesting site: will give you more info on these Plants (and indeed 50,0000 others worldwide!).

5 US Electrical power

6 Possible topics for last 2 weeks (votes on first day of class) Global warming (class discussion). Nuclear Power (fission/fusion) (24) Hydrogen economy (Fuel Cells) 22) Fuel Cells (11) Unconventional Fossil (9) Increasing efficiency; appliances, lights, etc. Electrical Grid

7 Faraday’s Law “A coil of wire experiences an electro- motive force that is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic flux passing through the loop.” Magnetic flux is the product of the magnetic field strength times the area it passes through projected onto the field direction (just like solar flux on a panel). A perp B

8 Typical generating station Web site also has a good schematic of a generator in action

9 Typical Steam generator

10 U. Cincy Cogeneration Plant Annually produces: 245M kWh Heat to 9Msq.ft of bldg space

11 Combined Cycle plants

12 Combined cycle/Carbon sequestration plant

13 Electrical distribution/transmission

14 Transmission/distribution lines Some High Voltage transmission lines are DC not AC (see right), but they look pretty much the same.

15 2003 Blackout before and after

16 Wind Turbines

17 Wind Energy An extensive site for Wind Information!!

18 Basics of a Wind Turbine

19 Web site for movie on wind turbine construction

20 Altamont Pass (CA) turbines, built 1980’s

21 San Gorgonio Pass (CA) 3500 turbines, built 1980’s

22 ITAIPU (Brazil/Paraguay)

23 Three Gorges Dam (China)

24 ITAIPU (Brazil/Paraguay)

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