The University of Liverpool

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1 The University of Liverpool

2 The City of Liverpool Albert 港口

3 The City of Liverpool 天主教教堂

4 The City of Liverpool Mersey 渡口

5 The City of Liverpool Walker 艺术画廊

6  学术地位  8 个 Nobel 奖  学术评分: 电子系 5 Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Electronics 电子系办公楼

7 Professor S Hall Head of Department Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Electronics Professor Q H Wu F.I.E.E., S.M.I.E.E.E. E Head of PhD Admissions for the Department. email:

8 硕士专业 MSc.(Eng) Information & Intelligence Engineering (Code IEMA) MSc.(Eng) Information & Intelligence Engineering 适用于电子工程、计算机专业学生 MSc.(Eng) Microelectronic Systems & Telecommunications MSc.(Eng) Microelectronic Systems & Telecommunications (Code EEMA) 适用于电子工程专业学生 MSc.(Eng) Microelectronic Systems (Code EEMS) 适用于电子工程专业学生

9 Tuition Fees 2002/2003 for postgraduate courses For overseas students For programmes in the Faculty of Science, other than in Mathematics, and programmes in the Faculty of Engineering, the fee is £ 10000 for the full academic year.

10 费用  学费: 10000 英镑 可以分 3 次交  生活费:约 3000 英镑

11 时间表  3 月面试  9 月入学  第一学期: 9 月- 12 月( 12 周)  第二学期: 1 月- 4 月初( 12 周)  考试: 4 月底- 5 月底  毕业设计: 5 月底- 9 月初  学制: 1 年

12 提交材料 本科成绩单 各门课程的分数及等级(面试中出示元件,复 印件留给利物浦大学保留) 英语成绩证明

13 提交材料 Important: Transcripts of all qualifications, other than UK Degrees, showing subjects studied and grades obtained (send photocopies initially, do not send original certificates). Copy of any English language qualification (essential for any applicant whose qualifications were not obtained in the UK). The names of two referees who can correspond in English. If references are sent with the application they must be in separate sealed envelopes and the referee must sign across the seal and indicate that the applicant has not seen the contents. Full details of employment, further studies, etc., undertaken since graduation.

14 Two semesters and a project period Semesters1 and 2: 1. lectures (7.5 or 15 credits) 2. Laboratory assignments 3. Industrial seminars 4. Initial project work Project (60 credits) 1. Dissertation (75%) 2. Presentation (15%)

15 1.M.Sc.(Eng) Information & Intelligence Engineering Compulsory Subjects (2001-2002) Advanced System Modelling and Computer Simulation System Identification & Adaptive Control Information Theory and Coding Evolutionary Computation Signal Processing Digital Filtering Image Processing & Pattern Recognition Neural Fuzzy Systems Program Development Organisation and Planning

16 Optional Subjects Fibre and Non-linear Optics Optical Fibre Communications and Sensing Systems Radio Propagation Advanced Electromagnetic Compatibility Integrated Circuits Integrated Circuit Design Power Generation & Transmission ( cont. ) 1.M.Sc.(Eng) Information & Intelligence Engineering

17 Power Electronics & Electromechanics Computer Architecture Robotics - Sensor Systems & Applications Systems Modelling Systems Simulation Manufacturing Systems Design & Integration Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Robotics - Kinematics & Dynamics Computer Communications & Systems Computer Networks Digital Communications

18 Compulsory Subjects (2001-2002) Computer Networks Microprocessor Systems Digital system design VHDL Data communication Cellular Radio Communications Advanced Digital Signal Processing Adaptive Signal Processing Program Development Organisation and Planning 2.M.Sc.(Eng) Microelectronic Systems & Telecommunications

19 Optional Subjects Fibre and Non-linear Optics Optical Fibre Communications and Sensing Systems Information Theory and Coding Digital Communications Radio Propagation Advanced EMC Integrated Circuits IC Design Transmission Lines Antennas Image Processing & Pattern Recognition Neural Fuzzy Systems

20 3.M.Sc.(Eng) Microelectronic Systems Signal Processing Digital Filtering Computer Networks Microprocessor Systems Program Development Organisation and Planning Integrated Circuits Digital System Design with VHDL

21 3.M.Sc.(Eng) Microelectronic Systems Fibre and Non-linear Optics Optical Fibre Communications and Sensing Systems Information Theory and Coding Digital Communications Radio Propagation Advanced EMC Integrated Circuits IC Design Transmission Lines Antennas Image Processing & Pattern Recognition Neural Fuzzy Systems

22 Personal details Address for correspondence Mr. Wen Zhenkun Faculty of information Engineering Shenzhen University Shenzhen P.R.China Telephone number 86-755-26536198

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