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Prodotto da Elena Turchi 4^H Scienze Sociali. ESkills Kit.

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1 Prodotto da Elena Turchi 4^H Scienze Sociali

2 ESkills Kit

3 How will you evaluate, during and after the Partnership, whether the aims of the partnership have been met and the expected impact has been achieved? Procedures of monitoring,verification, evaluation of the level of attainment of the single project objects and of the impacts produced from the project actions on pupils,teachers, schools, local communities will be realised through the following effectiveness : Realization of the project meetings in order to tune the procedures, the creation of the instruments of development of the project work, the production of the monitoring and verification instruments, the realization of the monitoring and the verification in itinere and final of the plan,the verification of the impacts produced from the project activities.

4 Constant e-mail correspondence between the partners coordinated by the coordinating Institution, finalized to the continuous information of the single project steps. Use of quantitative monitoring procedures of the development of the project process. Monitoring constantly the research procedures according to the following indicators : content development, method effectiveness, working group competence. Monitoring the project work and applicability of the model ‘ Initial training of the future European teachers ‘ through the use of the KIT ( Notebook,Manual, Guide, Framework – turning to mobility ).

5 Testing the students’, teachers’ and the school staff’s satisfaction through the compilation of interactive control questionnaires ( with immediate results analyzes ). Testing the level of involvement of the local community through the realization of on line Forum. Testing the level of spreading of the ‘ philosophy', the contents and the project procedures in the world of the local school. Testing the level of dissemination of the project best practices in the world of the local school and at the European data – base.

6 Internal evaluation – every 6 month – fill in a questionnaire regarding the progress of the project. Questionnaire at the end of each meeting regarding the meeting conditions, information available,management. External evaluation – each partner should identify an expert institution representative of the local community, which would evaluate all the outputs and their impact in the participating community. Realization of one formative assessment for the improvement of the quality of the plan. Criteria for the functionality of the procedures, with attention to the elimination of dysfunctional dynamics (self-evaluation process). Definition of effectiveness and efficiency of the structure of the work plan shared (above all during the project meeting ).

7 Assessment of the level of objects achievement. Assessment of the coordinating school role, defined during the initial planning stage and constantly monitored. Assessment of the role of the single partner institutions in the shared tasks. Assessment ex post for the measuring of the outputs quality and the impact on the group target. Final Assessment on the outputs : analysis of final products and activities realized (autoevaluation) and from the external point of view of the educational authorities. The result of the final assessment will mark a possible development of the project.

8 If your partnership focuses mainly on pupil involvement, please explain to what extent they will be involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation of project activities. And/or If your partnership mainly deals with pedagogical or management issues, please explain how all relevant staff will be actively involved in planning, implementation and evaluation of project activities. The project focus is the analysis of the training process that involves directly the professional identity of the future teachers and many other technical figures of the school system who are implied in the processes that the plan actives: Headmasters (for the managerial superintendence of the initial training of the young teachers), teachers tutor (who directly follow and put their daily job at disposal of the observation and the involvement of the training young teachers), mentores (that supervise, linked with the University, the initial training) the staff (that supports the trainings from a bureaucratic-administrative point of view) students (that are involved in the process of active training, through the innovative best practices experimented by the young trainers ).

9 The various members of the school - system enter in all project stages (the planning, organisation, evaluation, till the dissemination). The involvement is extended also to the families and the local community, all implied in the processes of qualification of the school system. The project is finalised to improve the training of teachers, nevertheless strongest is the involvement of the students in the Partnership, because the project objects directly regard the elaboration of didactic plans that the teachers engaged in the project activities will plan, organize, model inside the curricula adopts in the partner schools, experiment, monitoring and evaluating the project functionality, the didactic process, the validity of the educational outcomes. Mobility Future teachers In the partnership Activities The mobility activity (in compliance with the model already experienced in atmosphere Comenius 2,1) is explored in the group of coordination in every partner Institution, in order to activate. European mobility possible procedures of the future teachers.

10 The target groups at different levels implicated are : Future teacher in training coming from from the University Institutions (and similar) that will experience the application of the `Manual of the good practical of didactic Training‘; Tutores of the future teacher in formation (in organic of the Grammars school partner of the partnership); Mentores pertaining to the groups of scientific coordination of the project, supervisors of the trainings; Teaching members the scientific group of conduction of the plan (compound from the representatives of the single educational partner institutions, with tasks of the planning organisation,of the project operativity,of mobility,of the procedures of monitoring, verification, spread and dissemination) ; Headmasters implied in the adaptation of the school-system to the requirements of the young teachers in training; Teachers of language and cultur of the hosting country (valorization of the linguistic differences); Academics professors engaged in the University training of the future teacher; Officials and inspectors of the technical Offices of the Ministries of the Instruction.

11 The future teachers will be select (for the realization of mobilities ) from the institutions participants accorfing with national and European criteria (already experienced in atmosphere Comenius 2,1) and defined in first partnership meeting. The institutions will decide the period of mobility, subject areas, a common plan of mobility, the verification and the certification of the got outcomes (in compliance with the procedures of accreditation inside each institution for the supervision of the Trainings, syntonized with the European protocols of attribution and transfer ofthe credits ( like EUROPASS ). In order to facilitate the acknowledgment of the activities carried out from the future teachers in the institutes partner, the analysis of the accreditation processes elaborates by the European Commission will be developed together with the elaboration of effective models of European evaluation of the fromative credits. The program of mobility previews some preparatorie activities before the departure ( general information regarding the project philosophy, presentation of the instruments : KIT ( Notebook,Manual,Guide,Framework); course on the culture of the accommodating Country; course of language of the hosting country ; Course on the Community programs.

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