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Collecting Secondary Data

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1 Collecting Secondary Data
Chapter 4

2 Primary v. Secondary Research
Primary Data Advantages Disadvantages Secondary Data Secondary Data Research- Data gathered and researched by someone else. Adv- Faster, cheaper, Disadv- Not designed specifically for the needs of researcher (outdated, variation in terms, different units of measurement, lack of information to verify data’s accuracy. Cross-checks= Verifying data with another source in order to determine the similarity of independent projects.

3 Objectives for Marketing Research
Fact Finding Identification of Consumer Behavior for a Product Category Trend analysis Market tracking Environmental scanning ICB- Who’s in the market? Market tracking- the observation and analysis of trends in industry volume and brand share over time. How much have they been buying over time? ES- Info gathering and fact finding designed to detect indications of environmental changes in their initial stages of development. Is the market changing? Looks at factors which might change the trends.

4 Objectives of Marketing Research
Model Building Market potential for an area Forecasting sales Analysis of Trade Areas and Sites Data Mining Pulling out important information Neural networks Database Marketing MB- Create mathematical models which seem to predict how many will be purchased. Pizzas at Rio Grande= # of students* pizzas eaten per student each year FS- Tuition increases by 10%. Current tuition * 1.1= Next year’s tuition Site analysis- Techniques that use secondary data in order to determine where to place retail and wholesale stores. Index of retail saturation- Local MKT potential/ Square feet of retailing space NN- Computer can mimic the way the human brain works. Customer discovery- Get info on customers Sequence discovery- What do they before they buy this? DM- Using databases to keep track of certain individuals’ information so you can better target them

5 Database Marketing- Example
Customer Birthday Purchases Item # Thoene Wesley 10/9 Reds cap 11111 Reds glove 28771 Reds jersey 37241 Moneyball 44523 Packers football 626689

6 Sources of Secondary Data
Internal and Proprietary Data Decision support system External Data Where can I find data? Libraries The internet Vendors IPD- Comes from inside of a company Number, addresses, and names of MKT students when I did my survey. Sales force information Research done by someone outside of the organization. Libraries- Statistical Abstract, Fortune 500, ValueLine. The internet- Many sources, but may have to pay for some. Vendors- Hoovers. Can be expensive Producers

7 Producers of Secondary Data
Books and Periodicals Any marketing journal Government Sources Census Statistical Abstract of the United States World Fact Book Media Sources Business Week, Fortune 500

8 Producers of Secondary Data
Trade Association Sources Data for one industry Commercial Sources Market share data Consumer attitude and public opinion Advertising research Adv. Res- Nielsen. The example from Gupta’s class.

9 Single Source Data What is it?

10 International Research
Issues Unavailability Accuracy Different terminology We will use: World Fact Book

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