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Sian Aynsley, MSc MCLIP #hashtags using social media to deliver current awareness TO health MANAGERS.

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Presentation on theme: "Sian Aynsley, MSc MCLIP #hashtags using social media to deliver current awareness TO health MANAGERS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sian Aynsley, MSc MCLIP #hashtags and @handles: using social media to deliver current awareness TO health MANAGERS

2 Outline of session  Background  Putting the bulletin together  Response and reflection  Questions and suggestions for improvement!

3 Why health managers ?  Health managers:  Unique information needs  Underserved in health settings  Short on time  IT literate, not necessarily information literate  Information needs:  Decision making  Strategic, tactical and operational initiatives  Clinical governance/clinical effectiveness  Chronic disease prevention  Disaster planning (e.g. pandemic flu)  Workforce planning / staff support  Performance management

4 Why social media ?  “Real time” information  Wider audience  Evaluation  Interaction

5 Why a health management bulletin ?  Objective:  To keep staff in management roles at the Trust up-to-date with new developments directly relating to their role and the effective delivery of patient care  Format:  Weekly email bulletin with no more than 5 to 7 news items + relevant statistics  Distribution:  Bulletin to be disseminated to relevant health managers at the Trust (Band 8+) and on Twitter

6 Why a health management bulletin ?  Topics of focus:  Hospital management: administration, cost-effectiveness, financial efficiency, information relating to Foundation Trust status  Clinical management: infection control, statistical reports on key targets (A&E, waiting times, stroke, pressure area care, hip fracture, MRSA/C.diff, VTE)  Local issues: South East London, cultural/race diversity  Help with decision-making  Horizon scanning

7 Where does the information come from ?  King’s Fund Health Management and Policy Alert  NHS Networks  NHS England  NHS Employers  Department of Health  Nuffield Trust  Royal Colleges ...and more!

8 Anatomy of bulletin


10 Document created in...

11 Long links converted to bitly

12 Bitly links copied...

13 ...and pasted into Notepad

14 Notepad doc copied into email

15 Bitly links embedded – good to go!

16 Twitter feed created in Notepad Title shortened (where necessary), organisation Twitter handle included, bitly link and hashtag for bulletin (e.g. #LGTHMB37)

17 Our Twitter page

18 Share to Twitter via bitly

19 Search by bulletin...

20 Creating a bitly bundle

21 Adding links to your bitly bundle


23 Sharing your bundle


25 Things that have gone well...  Regular update going out to health managers at the Trust from the library  Positive reaction  Highlight other resources  Regular updates on our Twitter account, more interaction  Can track links and see what is popular  Current awareness for the library!

26 Things that have not gone so well...  Scandalous first issue!  Difficult decisions  Twitter is blocked on all hospital PCs  Difficult to tell how well bulletin is being used and what it is being used for

27 @LGTLibrary Any questions ? Suggestions ?

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