Michigan Center for Rural Health Report of 2011 Activities.

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Presentation on theme: "Michigan Center for Rural Health Report of 2011 Activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michigan Center for Rural Health Report of 2011 Activities

2 MCRH  Our Vision: “The Michigan Center for Rural Health will be universally recognized as the center for expertise for rural health in Michigan through creative and visionary education, service, and research.”  Our Mission: “To coordinate, plan, and advocate for improved health for Michigan’s rural residents and communities.”

3 MCRH History  Formed in 1991 as part of a nation-wide federal and state initiative to recognize importance of rural health care.  Granted 501(c)(3) not-for-profit status by Internal Revenue Service in 1994.  Offices located on Michigan State University campus.  Governed by Board of Directors with representatives from state-wide organizations and state government departments.

4 MCRH Staffing  Six full-time employees Executive Director Recruitment & Retention Services Coordinator Hospital Programs Manager Education & Communication Coordinator Program Assistant Two Administrative Assistants (both MSU students)

5 MCRH Program Areas  Communication and Education  Hospital Programs  Recruitment and Retention Services  Emergency Medical Services

6 Communication and Education  Conferences Annual Rural Health CAH conference  Workshops, Newsletters and Listservs  Grand Rounds In 2011, there were 39 one-hour videoconferenced topics in arthritis, geriatric, psychiatry, nursing, pharmacy, EMS, and social work broadcast to a total of 3,345 providers.  Michigan Health Alert Network (MIHAN) A web-based health alert network system for hospitals, local public health agencies, and certified rural health clinics.

7 Grand Rounds: 2008 & 2009 Participant Comparison

8 2007 2008 2009 2010 1,797 2,593 2,700+ 1,444 Increase in G.R. Participant Numbers Growing Education Opportunities Throughout Rural Michigan

9 2007 2008 2009 2010 31 39 42+ 30 Increase in # of G.R. Sessions Offered Growing Education Opportunities Throughout Rural Michigan

10 Video-conferencing Sites MSU Traverse City Marquette Video- conference process for presentation of program from MSU to REMEC Telehealth Network, UPTN, and SW Telehealth Network.

11 Grand Rounds 1 of 2 videoconference rooms we use. Room 204 CAS.

12 Hospital Programs  Michigan Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Provides services to Critical Access Hospitals and their communities (Quality Network, Financial Benchmarking Project, Board of Directors Education, HIT readiness analysis). There are 35 Critical Access Hospitals in Michigan.

13 Michigan CAHs

14 Performance/Quality Improvement  34 CAHs received Michigan Rural Health Quality Improvement Award for calendar year 2008. Partnered with MPRO.  Inpatient Clinical Performance.  Emergency Room Transfers (7 measures).


16 Quality/Performance Improvement  CAH - CFO Financial Benchmarking Group.  22 CAHs participating.  Collect & compare relevant CAH financial data.  Acute Care, OR, Lab, Radiology and ED.


18  Objective: “To be a single point of contact to rural facilities with questions regarding recruitment, retention, medical staff development, loan repayment and visa or contract issues.  Advocates for recruitment initiatives to improve access to care in rural Michigan.  Assists rural communities by offering: Physician recruitment assistance to place physicians in rural Michigan. Primary Care Community Medical Staff Needs Analysis. Presentations of rural health care opportunities. NHSC, State Loan Repayment, and contract review. Recruitment and Retention Services


20 EMS  EMS Education via teleconferences (221 people).  Online Medical directors course.  Bi-Monthly Newsletter.

21 EMS Education In 2009, 49 EMS agencies participated in the EMS Education series.

22 EMS Education  4 sessions held quarterly, with an extra session relating to the H1N1 epidemic.  222 participants with 152 receiving continuing education credits.  Technology upgrade.

23 State Rural Health Plan  Implementing Access to Care and Recruitment/Retention of Provider objectives at conferences and through partnerships.  Healthy Lifestyle Community Matching Grant program through legislature (12 grants).  Healthy Lifestyle Community Matching Grant program through BC/BS Social Mission Department (12 grants).

24 Healthy Lifestyles Community Grant Program  A matching community grant program for the Healthy Lifestyles section.  $5,000 to twelve communities.  Community matches the amount to create a $10,000 Healthy Lifestyles project.

25 Healthy Lifestyles – legislature funded  September 2008- October 2009  Twelve Communities 2008-2009 Legislative Grantees

26 Healthy Lifestyles – legislature funded  4,201 rural residents were involved in various Healthy Lifestyle programs (mileage clubs, weight loss contests).  564 children received health screenings.  1,428 people attended “Health Fairs.”  26 health care providers received education on discussing healthy lifestyles with their patients.  17 schools introduced either the Exemplary Physical Education Program, Michigan Model for Health Curriculum or the Coordinated School Health Program.  2,182 community members received fact sheets or newsletter.

27 Other Healthy Lifestyle grants in progress  6 Legislative Grants from FY 08/09 (final report due September 2010).  12 BC/BS Foundation (final report due April 2010).  Money has been appropriated for fourteen (14) Healthy Lifestyle grants in FY 09/10.

28 New for 09/10  SEARCH: Students/Residents Experiences and Rotations in Community Health.  M-CEITA: Michigan Center for Expanding Information Technology Advancement.  Rural OsteoChamps.


30 Questions????  John Barnas  Barnas@msu.edu Barnas@msu.edu  517-432-9216

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