Cultural Resources Management in the USFWS What Are Cultural Resources? Archaeological sites Places associated with historical events and people Cultural.

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2 Cultural Resources Management in the USFWS

3 What Are Cultural Resources? Archaeological sites Places associated with historical events and people Cultural & sacred areas Buildings & structures Museum collections, objects & documents Cultural Resources Management in the USFWS

4 Why Do We Deal With Cultural Resources? It’s the Law Part of overall ‘habitat resources’ to be considered during habitat management Important non-renewable resources for which USFWS is accountable Cultural Resources Management in the USFWS

5 What Value Are Cultural Resources to the USFWS? Cultural resources can & have been used by FWS biologists to provide historical information on species distribution patterns & locations. Cultural resources can be used to develop educational programs at refuges across the country. Cultural resources can be used to describe the history of events on refuge property that still occur today (e.g., types of prehistoric hunting evidence found on refuge property). Cultural resources assist USFWS in attracting new visitors interested in habitat history. Cultural resources assist USFWS in building partnerships with tribes & local communities. Cultural Resources Management in the USFWS

6 Scope of FWS Cultural Resources Program Identified over 12,000 cultural resources on Service lands to date (2003) Review thousands of projects annually to consider potential impacts to historic properties Responsible for 4.4 million museum objects Manage over 1,000 buildings or structures that are at least 50 years old Cultural Resources Management in the USFWS

7 What Is FWS & the Refuge System Doing for Cultural Resources?

8 Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 Develop comprehensive conservation plans that identify & describe the archaeological and cultural values of the planning unit. Develop FWS planning guidance to: Develop CRM overview Integrate CRM info into CCP process Identify objectives & priorities CRM step-down plans What is FWS & the Refuge System Doing for Cultural Resources?

9 National Wildlife Refuge System Volunteer and Community Partnerships Act of 1998 Authorizes partnerships with organizations that promote the conservation of cultural & historical resources of a refuge Encourages the use of refuges for outdoor classroom opportunities that include curricula on understanding & protecting cultural & historical resources What is FWS & the Refuge System Doing for Cultural Resources?


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