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Outside Reading Books 6 th Grade English Language Arts.

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1 Outside Reading Books 6 th Grade English Language Arts

2 What is a Silent Reading Book? In addition to the material we will read together as a class, you will be required to read at least 35 (Adv: 50) pages in a book of their choice every week.

3 Requirements for a Silent Reading Book It must be… …at least 100 pages long (150 for Advanced LA). …ONE of these three types of books. --fiction: a made-up story --an autobiography: someone writing about true things that happened in his/her real life --a biography: someone writing about true things that happened in someone else’s real life. …all one story through the whole book. …mainly words, not pictures. …at your reading level.

4 Requirements for a Silent Reading Book It CANNOT be… …less than 100 (Adv.: 150) pages long. …a collection of short stories or myths with different characters and plots. …a collection of short biographies or autobiographies. …a graphic novel, comic, or picture book. …a play or screenplay. …a book you have already read. …a book someone else has read to you or assigned for you to read.

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