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EROSION. Erosion is the process by which sediments are picked up and transported.

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2 Erosion is the process by which sediments are picked up and transported.

3 EROSION Erosion is caused by many things. The things that cause earth’s surface to be eroded are called agents of erosion.

4 EROSION The first agent of erosion is running water. Running water is the most predominant agent of erosion. What does this mean?

5 EROSION Water is the driving force behind most erosion. That’s why there is very little weathering in hot and dry climates.

6 EROSION The second agent of erosion is wind. Of the erosion that happens in hot and dry climates, this has the bets chance. Think of a desert.

7 EROSION The next agent of erosion is ice (glacial). These represent flowing ice and snow. Sometime things frozen in glaciers can be transported to exotic areas. We call these glacial erratics.

8 EROSION Gravity is the next agent of erosion. This simply means gravity itself pulling on our landforms. This causes landslide and mudslides.

9 EROSION The next agent of erosion is ocean waves. These play a large part in sediment transportation. Oceans both break down a beach and deposit minerals on them and surrounding areas.

10 EROSION Finally, the last agent of erosion is man. When we dig mines, build dams, or create artificial lakes, we are such agents. Deforestation and poor farming can also cause this.

11 EROSION So the six agents of erosion are… – Running Water – Wind – Ice (Glacial) – Gravity – Ocean Waves – Man

12 EROSION Evidence can be found as to which agent has been in action. If the sediment has been transported by a stream, smooth, round particles are formed. Valleys that are eroded by a river or stream are V-shaped.

13 EROSION Particles that have been eroded by wind are generally rough, pitted and round.

14 EROSION Glacial sediment will be sub-rounded and scratched. Valleys formed by glaciers will be U-shaped.

15 EROSION Lastly, particles that have undergone gravitational erosion will be jagged and sharp.

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