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Ralf Depping University- and City-Library of Cologne vas and the system of the German Virtual Subject Libraries.

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Presentation on theme: "Ralf Depping University- and City-Library of Cologne vas and the system of the German Virtual Subject Libraries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ralf Depping University- and City-Library of Cologne vas and the system of the German Virtual Subject Libraries

2 German National Distributed Library Plan German National Library: deposit copies from all publications published in Germany 23 scientific libraries and some special libraries have the task to collect the foreign highly specialized research literature in all academic disciplines access to this special collections via inter-library-loan

3 The system of the German virtual subject libraries Expansion of the system of the national distributed library plan to electronic information resources M ore than 30 virtual subject libraries with: subject guide of internet resources simultaneous search in different databases, library catalogues and other information resources availability check

4 Virtual subject libraries in the social sciences Economics and Business Sociology Politics Law Psychology Education Social Anthropology Sports

5 EconBiz, the virtual library of economics and business administration subject guide: more than 20.000 internet resources meta search engine: more than six million title records form databases, library catalogues, the EconBiz Internet resources as well as free internet databases calendar of events, helpdesk and online reference option

6 Metasearch Internet- Resources

7 EconBiz: a cooperative project …... by the German National Library of Economics in Kiel and the University and City Library of Cologne...... with a lot of additional international cooperation partners in the field of cataloguing the internet resources... … and a cooperative technical infra- structure (Academic Linkshare ).

8 Metadata Sharing of internet resources by Academic Linkshare cooperative cataloguing of internet resources Members: Virtual libraries in the field of humanities and social sciences and other internet portals Joint metadata used by all and specific metadata (i.e. browsing classification) for each virtual library ViFaPlus: add an internet resource to the database with only two clicks

9 VIFAPlus: 1. Click

10 VIFAPlus: 2. Click

11 the interdisciplinary internet portal more than 100 million data from...... more than 35 virtual subject libraries... union catalogues... ZDB (journal union catalogue) and EZB (electronic journals library)

12 Facilitate Access to Quality Information Worldwide access to electronic and printed material through integration of databases and library OPACs One central point of access Easy search and navigation Integration of quality controlled resources only Combination of search and access to full-text

13 intelligent search-engine technology choose between subject-specific or interdisciplinary search Different ranking and sorting options Drill downs to reduce the result-set by a great range of different categories Linguistic features

14 Search browse

15 Drill-downs

16 Access to the full – text … … by the electronic journals library …. … by local detection systems … … and document delivery services.

17 Name und Kontaktdaten in Folienmaster einfügen

18 EZB

19 Access to the full – text In preparation: nationwide system of authentication, authorization and digital rights management


21 Thank you for your attention ! Questions ? Comments ?

22 Name und Kontaktdaten in Folienmaster einfügen Contact Geschäftsstelle vascoda e.V. c/o Technische Informationsbibliothek Hannover (TIB) Welfengarten 1B 30167 Hannover Telefon:0511 762-3485 oder-4193 Email:

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