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Balancing Access and Confidentiality Jenny Telford Australian Bureau of Statistics September 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Balancing Access and Confidentiality Jenny Telford Australian Bureau of Statistics September 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balancing Access and Confidentiality Jenny Telford Australian Bureau of Statistics September 2008

2 The Challenge… Increasing demand for Census microdata Need to balance access with risks Risk of individual identification –Deliberate and unintentional misuse –Spontaneous recognition –List matching Not only a breach of our legislation but also a breach of trust with the Australian public.

3 Methods of Microdata Protection Combination of procedural and technical strategies 1.Control the level of detail 2.Legal undertakings and restrictions on use 3.Education and training 4.Provide appropriate modes of access.

4 Controlling the level of detail Confidentialised Unit Record Files (CURFs) –Collapse classifications –Remove some data items –Modify values –Change or remove unusual records.

5 Undertakings and restrictions Legal undertakings for individuals and organisations Users must not seek to identify individuals Restrictions on list matching Security obligations (e.g. No password sharing) Some restrictions on international users.

6 Education and Training Aim to ensure all users are aware of their obligations Reference material available on the website Established support arrangements in place.

7 2006 Census Microdata - Modes of Access CD-Rom –1% confidentialised sample file Remote Access Data Laboratory –5% confidentialised sample file ABS Onsite Data Laboratory –customised sample file TableBuilder –tabular access to unit record file.

8 1% Sample via CD-Rom Available since the 1981 Census No technical restrictions on use Least amount of detail Subject to undertakings and review Most data items available (classifications collapsed e.g. Age) Minimum population size of 250,000 persons per geographic unit.

9 5% Sample via Remote Access Data Laboratory (RADL) 5% – biggest Australian sample ever More data items than 1% (e.g. Indigenous Status) More detailed (less collapsing e.g. Age) Minimum population size of 125,000 persons per geographic unit. Different sample source from 1% Available via RADL only.

10 RADL Internet based query system Keeps unit records within the ABS Allows for analysis in SAS, SPSS and STATA Layers of protection allowing for more detail to be available.


12 ABS Onsite Data Laboratory Onsite supervised access to detailed microdata Users subject to conditions of use Cost recovered service All output is audited prior to release Only considered in cases where other modes are insufficient.

13 2006 Census TableBuilder New application due for release 2009 Full access to counts based on unit record file Allows for tabulations only No direct access to record level data Uses new perturbation algorithm to dynamically confidentialise data.




17 TableBuilder New 2006 Census confidentiality procedure is a key enabler Confidentiality is assured Focus is now on how to communicate data quality Survey TableBuilder.

18 Conclusion Continue to strike the balance between access and confidentiality Improve existing access modes Enhance technical protections Looking towards the 2011 Census…

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