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What would you give your life for?... A Love Worth Sacrificing for (Part 1) Speaker: Cass Tompich.

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2 What would you give your life for?... A Love Worth Sacrificing for (Part 1) Speaker: Cass Tompich




6 What would you give your life for? Love is like a spice. It can sweeten your life – however, it can spoil it, too – Confucius Love is most nearly itself when here and now cease to matter - T.S. Eliot Hatred paralyses life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear - John Lennon

7 What would you give your life for? Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand - Mother Teresa Love comforteth like sunshine after rain - William Shakespeare in Venus and Adonis What's love, but a second-hand emotion - Tina Turner Love is a madness; if thwarted it develops fast - Mark Twain How do you know it's love? I don't know, but it lasts forever - Van Halen

8 Romans 3:23 (Msg) …we've compiled this long and sorry record as sinners…and proved that we are utterly incapable of living the glorious lives God wills for us…

9 God’s holy love is… REVEALED THROUGH CHRIST JESUS 1 John 3:16a (NIV) This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. 2 Corinthians 5:21 (Amp) For our sake He made Christ [virtually] to be sin Who knew no sin, so that in and through Him we might become [endued with, viewed as being in, and examples of] the righteousness of God [what we ought to be, approved and acceptable and in right relationship with Him, by His goodness].

10 God’s holy love is… RECEIVED BY FAITH Romans 3:21-24 (NIV) But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.


12 God’s holy love is… WORTH SACRIFICING FOR Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.

13 We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread, but there are many more dying for a little love - Mother Teresa

14 Openness to the Holy Spirit – to see Proximity to unchurched people – to feel Willingness to stop and take time – to hear Engaging in faith-filled prayer – to be emboldened Doing acts of kindness – to reach out Speaking up for Jesus – to testify to His grace

15 Ephesians 5:1-2 (NIV) Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.


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