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Summer Camp for Smart Kids 2007 Summer WAS*IS R e a l l y.

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2 Summer Camp for Smart Kids 2007 Summer WAS*IS R e a l l y

3 We are changing the weather enterprise by comprehensively and sustainably integrating social science into meteorological research and practice. (expect new update to this from Ivan et al)

4 Human impact on the environment Risks/hazards for humans Relationships of env. Issues to political, economic, cultural processes 1)Role of S&T in production of knowledge about nature 2)Human/animal relationships WE ARE Integrating social science into the Weather Enterprise We are part of a growing community of people passionate about & dedicated to this We recognize that (meteorology + hydrology + social science) > sum of its parts! Moving ahead requires collaboration across the WEATHER ENTERPRISE! We address societal impacts in real & sustained ways

5 Barriers WAS*ISers are overcoming 1.POWERlessness: I want to do it but I don’t know how – we have knowhow! 2. Social science methods are a mystery – NO They are NOT 3. Surveys are not encouraged – we have partners who can help 4. Disciplinary blinders – excitement about collaborations & new tools Moving from WAS to IS……is not an instant transition! You realize the joys of CONNECTING WITH STAKEHOLDERS

6 5.I can’t do it right so I won’t do it at all – Need for “Satisficing”! We are always moving ahead as Rebecca Jennings says – “baby steps” 6. It’s not in my job description - How can we foster greater partnerships to solve important problems? WAS*IS ers emerge as charismatic policy entrepreneurs Barriers WAS*ISers confronted

7 Some SUMMER WAS*IS measures of success -- Toward culture change 1.A new community of scholars & practitioners – use each other’s materials! – use the email list, invite each other to give talks to your colleagues! Provide peer mentoring! 2. Examples of new alliances/removed barriers 3. Practical new & tried methods Wear your button proudly & display on your powerpoints

8 Our language is changing We learned words we can’t use, i.e. Harvesting. We learned to focus on lives saved rather than lives lost We recognize we need to tell the stories! We are ready to proceed TOGETHER – weather enterprise ---public & private! We understand more about the publics! –who sometimes have very high expectations –Remember the the immortal words to The Weather Channel whose forecast for the high temperature was off by 2 degrees –” I’ll have to let you go”

9 Other indications of success You see each other in new ways You are brave Exposure to new methods - GIS, qualitative research, risk communication, discourse analysis, interviewing techniques, economics

10 From our speakers & our own interactions we learned more about substance & style should we worry???

11 Frustration of not being able to cover everything important including… International case studies Learning from work on agriculture Climate Change/Societal impacts work –lots we don’t need to reinvent So many others…..

12 SYNERGIES of WAS* IS Invented creative, previously unimagined new tools, case studies, & implementation strategies Life - long commitment from many vantage points – researchers, practitioners, various backgrounds, public & private

13 Some of what we will do next Building the case for a NWS regional societal impacts scientist Integrate social science into NWS inundation mapping Quick response proposals to build collaborations So many more

14 What’s next -- under the WAS*IS Umbrella Advanced WAS*ISes – FIRST ONE IS ALREADY A REALITY –THANKS TO YOUR HARD WORK & VISION Moving from WAS to IS beyond weather to hydrology, emergency management, climate, and other fields Capstone courses in physical science programs Ethnography of National Weather Service Evaluation of WAS * IS success Annual WAS * IS workshops – ENCOURAGE YOUR COLLEAGUES TO APPLY WAS*IS for introducing meteorology to social scientists – for stronger partnerships

15 Summer WAS*IS particularities Climate scientists, anthropologists & more private sector meteorologists were a pleasure -- & and add so much Physical scientists can throw around the term “discourse analysis” and know what it means We know how to conduct interviews – we will learn from fisheries And of course we will all visit Dan Stillman when we come to DC

16 Summer WAS*IS W R A P Commitment to Change! The ELITE, BEST & the BRIGHTEST Remind your colleagues about your new ideas, opportunities, & partnerships Wouldn’t have happened without WAS * IS

17 The Fairy Tale comes true Thanks to US Weather Research Program The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) The National Center for Atmospheric Research JEFF LAZO & the Societal Impacts Program (SIP) WAS*IS Everyone of YOU who have inspired & assisted to make WAS*IS a reality

18 WAS * IS is brewing--- We look forward to continuing to work TOGETHER

19 Powerful things have happened…. We have moved from WAS…… This is not a workshop where NOTHING lasts- - Energetic WAS*ISers…you’ve got MOMENTUM & STRATEGIES Wouldn’t have happened without WAS * IS MODEST GOAL – WAS CHANGING the culture from WAS to IS

20 What did the most influential players look like in meteorology prior to 2006 WAS*IS?


22 WAS * ISers are NOT the same old guys with new toys


24 Some of what’s said in Boulder stays in Boulder Some of what’s said in Boulder is heard around the world!

25 This is more than a summer romance This is the REAL THING… looking forward to many new collaborative projects AIM HIGH

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