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Chapter 1.4 Notes: Measure and Classify Angles Goal: You will name, measure, and classify angles.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1.4 Notes: Measure and Classify Angles Goal: You will name, measure, and classify angles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1.4 Notes: Measure and Classify Angles Goal: You will name, measure, and classify angles.

2 An angle consists of two different rays with the same endpoint. The rays are the sides of the angle. The endpoint is the vertex of the angle. Name the angle above: _____, ______, ______ ____________ is the vertex of the angle.

3 Ex.1: Name the three angles in the diagram.

4 Ex.2: Name the three angles in the diagram. M O N P

5 Classifying Angles: Angles can be classified as acute, right, obtuse, and straight. Acute angles have a measure greater than 0 and less than 90. Right angles have a measure of 90. Obtuse angles have a measure greater than 90 and less than 180. Straight angles have a measure of 180.

6 Measuring Angles: A protractor can be used to approximate the measure of an angle. An angle is measured in units called degrees ( o ).

7 Postulate 3 Protractor Postulate: Consider and a point A on one side of. The rays of the form can be matched one to one with the real numbers from 0 to 180. The measure of is equal to the absolute value of the difference between the real numbers for and. A O B

8 EXAMPLE 3 Measure and classify angles Use the diagram to find the measure of the indicated angle. Then classify the angle. a. KHJ b. GHK c. GHJ d. GHL SOLUTION A protractor has an inner and an outer scale. When you measure an angle, check to see which scale to use.

9 Postulate 4 Angle Addition Postulate: If P is in the interior of, then the measure of is equal to the sum of the measures of and. If P is in the interior of, then

10 Ex.4: Given that, find and.

11 Ex.5: If find and

12 Ex.6: Given that is a straight angle, find and.

13 Ex.7: Given that is a right angle, find and.

14 Congruent Angles: Two angles are congruent angles if they have the same measure. Angle measures ar equal Angles are congruent

15 Ex.8: The photograph shows some of the angles formed by the ropes in a trapeze apparatus. Identify the congruent angles. If, what is ?

16 Ex.9: Use the diagram below. a. Identify all pairs of congruent angles. b.,, and. Find the other angle measures in the diagram.

17 An angle bisector is a ray that divides an angle into two angles that are congruent. Ex.10: In the diagram below, bisects, and. Find.

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