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中 国 人 的 早 饭 chinese breakfast kathy lee chinese 3 b block.

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Presentation on theme: "中 国 人 的 早 饭 chinese breakfast kathy lee chinese 3 b block."— Presentation transcript:

1 chinese breakfast kathy lee chinese 3 b block

2 中国人早上吃什么? What do Chinese eat for breakfast?

3 cantonese style 早上他们常常吃点心。他们也喝茶。 Yum Cha;
The Cantonese style breakfast where families eat Dim Sum together with tea.

4 Yum Cha; It means “drink tea” in Cantonese.
It is nowadays a tradition in weekend mornings with family members. It is also a morning ritual for some elderly.

5 喝什么茶? What types of tea do Chinese drink together with Dim Sum?

6 Types of Chinese Tea; 普洱茶 (Bolay tea) 菊花茶 (Chrysanthemum tea)
乌龙 (Oolong tea)

7 吃什么点心? What types of Dim Sum do Cantonese enjoy to eat during their breakfast?

8 Types of Chinese Dim Sum:
叉烧包 (Barbecue pork buns) 饺子 (Common dumpling that contains meat and chopped vegetables) 烧卖 (Pork and mushroom dumpling) 猪肠粉 (Rice noodle roll)

9 mandarin style 早上他们常常吃油条(Fried bread stick)和包子(Steamed stuffed bun)。
The Chinese people in the North tend to eat more wheat such as fried dough sticks or steamed buns.

10 包子是什么? Baozi is a type of steamed bun that is usually filled with various Chinese cuisines (either meat or vegetables). It can be eaten during any meal but is usually eaten during breakfast.

11 中国人都喜欢吃什么? Although some Chinese like to eat certain Chinese cuisines, most Chinese people enjoy eating rice congee and zongzi for breakfast. 早上中国人都喜欢吃稀饭和粽子。

12 Eating Utensils; 用具; Teabowl Chopsticks Toothpicks

13 Eating Etiquette; 礼节 Finger tapping after cup is filled
Refilling the teapot Using public chopsticks

14 xie xie kathy lee chinese 3 b block

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