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The 1905 Russian Revolution Modern World History Great revolutions in twentieth century rebellion strikes protests petitions.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1905 Russian Revolution Modern World History Great revolutions in twentieth century rebellion strikes protests petitions."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1905 Russian Revolution Modern World History Great revolutions in twentieth century rebellion strikes protests petitions

2 1) WHEN AND WHY THE 1905 RUSSIAN REVOLUTION TOOK PLACE 2) WHO WAS INVOLVED AND LED THE REVOLUTION You will learn about Modern World History Great Revolutions in twentieth century

3 The 1905 Russian Revolution Watch the video: Modern World History Great revolutions in twentieth century When?Where?Who?What?Why?/How?



6 Tsar Nicholas and his family

7 Father Gapon leading people


9 Bloody Sunday

10 Essential understanding bank Bloody Sunday Tsar Nicholas October Manifesto Potemkin Russo- Japanese War Duma the St Petersburg Soviet of Workers' Deputies _____________ ______________ _______________

11 PROJECTS AND TASKS Extra Adapted from 5599/Russian-Revolution-Project- Menu Detailed timeline Role-play Diary Entry Propaganda poster and flyer

12 A DETAILED TIMELINE a.Product: construct a detailed timeline of the Russian Revolution encompassing events from … to.. b.Content: your timeline should have at least 8 events. Each event should include a paragraph description, its significance and an illustration (hand-drawn or printed ) c.Format: typed or neatly handwritten. (optional: use dipity to produce an interactive timeline). Extra credit may be earned for extra entries.

13 DESIGN A ROLE-PLAY Content: Show your knowledge of the events leading to the actual Revolution through original dialogue. Length: at least 3 scenes Format: typed or neatly handwritten ; in groups of 3. Extra credit may be earned by students who perform their skits for the class with appropriate use of constumes and props.

14 DIARY ENTRIES Instructions: write a series of diary entries from the perspective of a character from the Russian Revolution. Entries should describe both your character’s feelings and actual events that led to or took place during that revolution. Length: Minimum 2 paragraph of about --- sentences for each entry. Content: you must show your understanding of the events including at leats 6 items from the essential understanding bank. Possible characters: Tsar Nicholas, a Russian peasant, a soldier, a sailor, Father Gapon Format: diary entries may be typed or neatly handwritten.

15 "Oh Sire, we working men and inhabitants of St. Petersburg, our wives, our children and our parents, helpless and aged women and men, have come to You our ruler, in search of justice and protection. We are beggars, we are oppressed and overburdened with work, we are insulted, we are not looked on as human beings but as slaves. The moment has come for us when death would be better than the prolongation of our intolerable sufferings. We are seeking here our last salvation. Do not refuse to help Your people. Destroy the wall between Yourself and Your people." Design a propaganda poster 1. Read the petition the people carried during the demonstration 2. In pairs, design a propaganda poster, stating your petitions to the ruler

16 Project Points Content ------- ---------------------------20 Mechanics (writing/speaking) ----- 20 – Free from grammar and spelling mistakes – Use range of vocabulary – Formatted attractively – Includes title page – Correct pronunciation – Clear presentation Creativity ------------------------------10 – Work shows original thought – Expressing knowledge in a creative way Important: All work must be original student work. Later work will be penalized 10% points each day late. (not each class session late)

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