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Building the Pyramid of Good Nutrition Luma Aiono Timothy Hatcher Mary Tafaovale Tailua Moemoe.

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Presentation on theme: "Building the Pyramid of Good Nutrition Luma Aiono Timothy Hatcher Mary Tafaovale Tailua Moemoe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building the Pyramid of Good Nutrition Luma Aiono Timothy Hatcher Mary Tafaovale Tailua Moemoe Tuesday, October 20, 2015

2 The builders on this construction job will be fifth grade students of mixed ability and experience. They are already becoming health conscious because of the influence of the media and previous health related lessons and activities. This project will allow them to explore the concept of good nutrition and plan meals built on the concept of the food pyramid.

3 In this three-week project that will integrate health education with technology. The builders will focus on the the following Technology Foundation standards: 1.Technology productivity tools 2.Technology communications tools We will use the Technology Foundation indicators 5 and 6 to evaluate our success. Upon completion, the builders will be able to: 5. Use technology tools for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. 6. Use telecommunications efficiently to access remote information, communicate with others in support of direct and independent learning, and pursue personal interests.

4 By the end of this construction project, the builders will be able to: 1.Classify foods into the basic four food groups. 2.Construct a balanced meal incorporating the food groups. 3.Use technology tools such as desktop publisher, internet, and digital cameras to gather, organize and present information.

5 is a website that provides ideas for activities and lesson plans for teaching nutrition to children. is a website that that explains the food pyramid and includes online activities for kids. It will be suggested that the students use the above mentioned websites; however, students will use the internet to find their own information about nutrition. Fast Food Nutrition guide.

6 In order to get the job done, the following methods will be employed: Discussion about food groups (food pyramid). This will be a review to reinforce background knowledge. Research nutritional contents of foods. A jigsaw-type puzzle will be used where students put together balanced meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They’ll also come up with healthy snacks. Preparation of a balanced meal and healthy snacks in class. Compilation of recipes and assembly of a cookbook.

7 At the end of this job, the builders will have successfully constructed: A cookbook that has recipes for each component of the food pyramid. Four sample menus for healthy balanced meals. A healthy, balanced meal in class using some of the recipes they compiled.

8 The following items will be inspected to continually assess the quality of the builders’ work: Balanced meal puzzle Weekly menus The completed cookbook constructed using a desktop publisher, and internet, and other technological resources. The cookbook that is to be built on the foundation of the ideas of the food pyramid.

9 The builders will use a desktop publisher to construct the cookbook. The internet will be employed to gather information about the food pyramid, research nutritional value of foods, and compile recipes. Digital cameras will be used as tools so the builders can include original pictures of foods in weekly menus and cookbook.

10 InformationCookbook PreparationMeal Preparation Week 1 O Background of Food Pyramid O Research two areas of pyramid: grains and proteins and their role in diet O Identify food around them that belong to each group O Go over requirements for cookbook O Review feature of MSWord and give publishing tips O Share helpful websites to find recipes O Begin compiling recipes. O Students submit a menu for the week for breakfast O Students evaluate each group ’ s menu. Week 2 O Research two areas of pyramid: fruits and vegetables O The role of vitamins in our diet: how can we be sure to get what we need? O Identify food around them that belong to each group O Continue cookbook compilation O Develop cover design O Students submit a menu for the week for lunch O Students evaluate each group ’ s menu. Week 3 O Research final two areas of pyramid: milk and fats O The role of milk and fats in our diet. O Identify sources of fats in our diet. O Complete cookbook design and compilation O Submit it to peer for editing and feedback O Publish book O Students submit a menu for the week for dinner. O Students evaluate each group ’ s menu.

11 Individual assessment: The quality of the cookbooks produced will be used to measure how well each student met the learning objectives. Group assessment: The meal selected for the culminating activity and the discussion about the reasons for its selection will allow the class to demonstrate what they have learned about balanced nutrition. Project Evaluation: The builders will evaluate the project in their display portfolios. They will indicate what they think they learned, what can be improved, and what their future goals are for this subject.

12 Healthy Kids Happy Kids

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