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Do Now: Purple books: p. 951 figure 37-7 Please Answer the Question!

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Purple books: p. 951 figure 37-7 Please Answer the Question!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Purple books: p. 951 figure 37-7 Please Answer the Question!

2  hemat- (blood) -ology (the study of)  The study of the blood, blood forming organs, and blood diseases

3  Fluid that transports important substances throughout the body  Contains:  Plasma  Red Blood Cells  White Blood Cells  Platelets

4  A yellow liquid that is 90 % water  Contains proteins and clotting factors made by liver  Water levels are controlled by kidneys  Water :  1. Takes a lot of energy to heat  2. Is a universal solvent  Transports:  Nutrients  Hormones  Waste  Clotting factors (fibrinogen to fibrin)

5  Swelling caused by water trapped in body tissue


7  Fragments from a very large cell in bone marrow called megakaryocytes  Essential to clotting  Stick to site of wound  Release chemicals that turn fibrinogen to fibrin  Fibrin stretches across wound and traps platelets and red blood cells


9  Thrombocytopenia – A condition in which there are not enough platelets in the blood.  Causes pin sized bruises all over body Can be caused by: Damage to bone marrow Antiplatelet antibodies


11  Protect the body from infection  Produced in bone marrow  Have a large lobed nucleus  Fewer WBC’s than RBC’s  1. Granulocytes – have granules  2. Macrophages – don’t have granules  Kill damaged cells and disease causing organisms by phagocytosisphagocytosis

12 - When a cell engulfs material and brings it into its cytoplasm

13  Leukemia – Cancer in the bone marrow that causes uncontrolled production of WBC’s


15  Made in bone marrow  Has no nucleus  Filled with a protein called HEMOGLOBIN (contains iron)  Hemoglobin picks up oxygen in the lungs  Transports oxygen to all tissues in the body  Picks up Carbon dioxide  Transports Carbon dioxide back to lungs

16  ANEMIA - A condition in which there is either a low amount of RBC’s or working hemoglobin  SICKLE CELL ANEMIA – Defect in hemoglobin structure that makes crescent shaped RBC’s  Causes painful clots

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