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Module 6 My school day Unit 1 I love history! Wu Fengfeng.

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2 Module 6 My school day Unit 1 I love history! Wu Fengfeng

3 is it now? What time is it now? ( 现在是几点 ?) It’s... Let’s talk about the time:

4 Listen and repeat the time. It’s twelve o’clock. It’s twenty past one. It’s half past six. It’s twenty to eleven. A: What’s the time? B: It’s … =What time is it? half past o’clock past to

5 -It’s seven o’clock. ( 整点) -What time is it? 7:00

6 2:00 7:005:00 What’ s the time? It’s nine o’clock. 9:00

7 -What time is it? It’s ten past( 超过) three. 3:10

8 -What time is it? It’s twenty past six. 6:20

9 -What time is it? It’s half (半) past eight. 8:30

10 6:40 - What time is it? It’s twenty to (差) seven.

11 It is five to ten. What time is it? 9:55

12 It is ten to three. What time is it? 2:50

13 ten past ten 分钟数 ≤ 半小时,分钟 + past+ 点钟 分钟数>半小时,分钟 + to + 下一点钟 思考 : 何时用 past, to 表示时间 twenty to eleven

14 /mæθs//`histəri/ subject maths history ['s ʌ bd ʒɪ kt]

15 IT PE subject / ai`ti:/ / pi:`i:/

16 chemistry [`kemistri] subject /`saiəns/ science

17 art geography subject /a:t/ /d ʒ i:` ɔ grəfi/

18 What subject is it?

19 1. It is a lesson we are having now! English 2. - It is fantastic!( 奇妙的 ) geography 3. We can draw beautiful pictures in this class! art - In this lesson, we can know the land, seas, climate, towns, and population.

20 4. In this lesson, we know Lu Xun, and also in this lesson, we learn how to write a good passage. Chinese 5. Many boys like it. It takes us into a world full of numbers and X,Y,Z… maths

21 6. – It’s about the people and things before. history 7. - We do physical exercises or sport in this class.We call this teacher Mr. Tian. PE - Do you want to know Cao cao ? Do you want to know Kang Xi ? In this class you can!

22 7. - To be careful in this class. - In this class, we know to mix( 混合 ) different things is interesting. chemistry 8. - It is fantastic!( 奇妙的 ) - In this lesson, we can know animals, plants and even the universe.( 宇宙 ) science

23 Match the pictures with the words from the box. artChinese art, Chinese, English, geography, history, IT, maths, PE 1._________2._________3._________ 4._________ 5.________ Englishhistory 6.________ 7.________ 8.________ maths IT geography PE

24 maths Chinese historyscience art chemistry English I like history. I don’t like history.

25 History. What subject does Betty like best?

26 1.Lessons begin at eight. 2.They have four lessons in the morning. 3.Maths is difficult for Betty. 4.They have art on Monday. 5. History is interesting for Betty. 6. Tony’s favourite lesson is art. Tony Chinese

27 TimeFriday 一 8:00 语文 二 9:00 数学 三 10:00 美术 四 11:00 体育 五 1:40 信息 六 2:30 英语 七 3:50 地理 We have Chinese at eight o’clock. We don’t have English at eight o’clock. We don’t have IT at half past two. We have Enlish at half past two.

28 A : What time is your art lesson? B : I have art at…. A : Do you like art? B : Yes, I do,but I don’t like …. What about you ? A : I like... Work in pairs

29 A : What time is your … lesson? B : I have … at…. A : Do you like …? B : Yes, I do,but I don’t like …. What about you ? A : I like... Work in pairs

30 A : What time is your … lesson? B : I have … at…. A : Do you like …? B : Yes, I do,but I don’t like …. What about you ? A : I like... Work in pairs

31 A : What time is your … lesson? B : I have … at…. A : Do you like …? B : Yes, I do,but I don’t like …. What about you ? A : I like... Work in pairs

32 If you should go to school on Sunday this weekend, How to design your timetable ? ( 如果这个周日上课,你如何设计你的时间表? ) Timeon Sunday My time table

33 (1) 7:00 _____________ (2) 9:30 _____________ (3) 11:10 ______________________ (4) 5:55 _____________________ seven o’clock half past nine ten past eleven five to six Ⅰ. 下列时间的表达法 Practice

34 选择正确答案. ( )1.We have English____nine o’clock. A. in B. on C. at ( )2.We don’t have Chinese____the afternoon. A. in B. on C. at ( )3. Would you like to go swimming ____ Sunday? A. in B. on C. at ( )4.We____like meat. A. aren’t B.are C. don’t A C B C

35 1. 掌握时间的表达方法; 2. 各科目的词汇。 3. 表述一天的课程。 Time is money. Time and tide wait for no man. 一寸光阴一寸金 岁月不待人

36 Make an English time-table and paste it on your desk. 制作一张英语的课程表,贴到你的桌子上。

37 Thank you for your listening! Goodbye!

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