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Explore, Encounter, Exchange

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1 Explore, Encounter, Exchange
National History Day 2015 Explore, Encounter, Exchange

2 What is a Bibliography? Purpose:
Show reader of your project what sources you used Give credit Example: Bates, Daisy. The Long Shadow of Little Rock. New York: David McKay. Inc., 1962.

3 What is an Annotated Bibliography?
Purpose: Explain what the source is and why you chose to use it. Shows that you actually used the source(s) Example: Bates, Daisy. The Long Shadow of Little Rock. New York: David McKay Inc., 1962. Daisy Bates was the president of the Arkansas NAACP and the one who met and listened to the students each day. This firsthand account was very important to my paper because it made me more aware of the feelings of the people involved.

4 Annotated Bibliographies
Are required for ANY type of product: website, documentary video, research paper, etc. List all usable sources – any sources that contributed to your research Should include visual materials and oral interviews

5 Annotated Entries Include:
Who is the author of the source? What is his/her background? What information did I get out of the source? How did the source help me to understand the topic better?

6 Annotated Entries Include:
For websites: Description of WHO sponsors the site Questions to consider: Is the website credible? Was it created by an expert? Or just a “random” person? Secondary vs. Primary Resource? (when relevant)

7 Secondary vs. Primary Sources
Secondary Source = by an author who was not an eyewitness or a participant in the historical event or period Examples: Textbooks History books Biographies Online encyclopedias or databases

8 Secondary vs. Primary Sources
Primary Source = something written or produced in the time period you are investigating Examples: Letters or diaries Speeches Oral Interviews of people from the time* Newspaper articles from the time Documents, photographs, artifacts

9 Tips for Annotated Bibliographies
Keep track of sources as you use them (Do this if there is any chance that you will use the source) If you use Easy Bib or Noodle Bib to create bibliography entries, copy and paste into Microsoft Word to add annotations.

10 Plan for Research Step One: Choose a broad topic to begin with
Focus on a time period that interests you Tip: Keep focus on doing good research, not making a product at this stage Research process is the same whether your final product will be a website, paper, documentary, etc.

11 Plan for Research Step 2:
Begin with general research in Secondary Sources Start with encyclopedias (online or print) and other sources designed for background research

12 Plan for Research Step 3:
Start to narrow your topic to something more specific Make sure topic relates to theme of “Exploration, Encounter, Exchange” Secondary sources can direct you to good primary sources

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