Welcome to Year One. Meet the team 1C – Miss Chapman Mrs Husband and Mrs Wifalk 1K – Mrs Kirby Mrs Di Marco and Mrs Lancaster 1R – Mrs Read and Mrs Rea.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year One. Meet the team 1C – Miss Chapman Mrs Husband and Mrs Wifalk 1K – Mrs Kirby Mrs Di Marco and Mrs Lancaster 1R – Mrs Read and Mrs Rea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year One

2 Meet the team 1C – Miss Chapman Mrs Husband and Mrs Wifalk 1K – Mrs Kirby Mrs Di Marco and Mrs Lancaster 1R – Mrs Read and Mrs Rea Mrs Knowles 1W – Miss Williams Mrs Hale and Mrs Gallop

3 Autumn Overview Literacy Labels, lists and captions Stories with familiar settings Poetry Instruction texts Guided reading every day Phonics every day Maths Number and place value, addition and subtraction, money and measures, shape, doubling and halving, shape and data

4 Autumn Overview SubjectAutumn 1Autumn 2 ScienceMarvelous meLight REHow different faiths show thanks for the world How light is used as a symbol HistoryToys ArtPortraits ICTControlCard making MusicBoom WhackersNativity songs P.EGymnasticsDance GeographyOur local area DTMoving pictures

5 Weekly Timetable 8.45- 9.00 9.05-9.30 9.30-10.25 10.25- 10.45 Break 11.05-12.00 Lunch 1.30-2.00 2.00-2.45 Playtime 3.00- 3.30 Mon Green pen time/Early Work Guided reading Numeracy Assembly/ELS PSCHE Literacy Phonics History/Geography Continued or story time Tues Literacy PE Numeracy Wed Numeracy Literacy Science Thurs ICT 9.25-10.25 Numeracy Gill Greisen PPA RE/Music Fri Literacy Numeracy Literacy PE Art

6 Transition Building on transition program at the end of Reception. First half term pupils will continue with child initiated learning and teacher led groups. Assessments in phonics, reading and numeracy.

7 Phonics Letters and Sounds – phases 2 to 5 Initial assessment Build on prior learning in Reception Differentiated phonics groups

8 Websites www.phonicsplay.co.uk www.mrthorne.com – new website coming soon but videos available on YouTube. www.mrthorne.com

9 Year One Phonics Screening Check Statutory testing for children at the end of Year One. Simple assessment to make sure that all pupils have learned phonic decoding to an appropriate standard by the age of 6. The phonics check will help teachers identify the children who need extra help so they can receive the support they need to improve their reading skills. These children will then be able to retake the check in year 2. The check comprises a list of 40 words and non-words which the child will read one-to-one with a teacher.

10 Nature Detectives 1K - Monday 1R – Tuesday 1C – Wednesday 1W – Thursday Children need to bring wellies and any outdoor waterproof clothing on the day. 6 weeks starting w/b 14 th September

11 What to bring Warm coat Painting overall if you have one Water bottle Named PE Kit Not needed, rucksacks, toys, green book bags, pencil cases

12 How can you help? Parent helpers - after half term Reading books School trips Cooking sessions

13 Home Learning Reading books sent home. Please complete the reading record and return at least once a week. Homework passport Spelling rule of the week

14 Any questions?

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