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Ian C. Smith ULGrid – Experiments in providing a campus grid.

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1 Ian C. Smith ULGrid – Experiments in providing a campus grid

2 Overview  Current Liverpool systems  PC Condor pool  Job management in ULGrid using Condor-G  The ULGrid portal  Storage Resource Broker  Future developments  Questions

3 Current Liverpool campus systems  ulgbc1  24 dual processor Athlon nodes, 0.5 TB storage GigE  ulgbc2  38 single processor nodes, 0.6 TB storage, GigE  ulgbc3 /  NW-GRID - 44 dual-core, dual-processor nodes, 3 TB storage, GigE  HCC - 35 dual-core, dual-processor nodes, 5 TB storage, InfiniPath  ulgbc4 /  94 single core nodes, 8TB RAID storage, Myrinet  PC Condor pool  ~ 300 Managed Windows Service PCs


5 PC Condor Pool  allows jobs to be run remotely on MWS teaching centre PCs at times at which they would otherwise be idle ( ~ 300 machines currently )  provides high throughput computing rather than high performance computing (maximise number of jobs which can be processed in a given time)  only suitable for DOS based applications running in batch mode  no communication between processes possible (“pleasantly parallel” applications only)  statically linked executables work best (although can cope with DLLs)  can access application files on a network mapped drive  long running jobs need to use Condor DAGMan  authentication of users prior to job submission via ordinary University security systems ( NIS+/LDAP )

6 Condor and power saving  power saving employed on all teaching centre PCs by default  machines power down automatically if idle for > 30 min and no user logged in but... ... will remain powered up if Condor job running until it completes  NIC remains active allowing remote wake-on-LAN  submit host detects if no. of idle jobs > no. of idle machines and wakes up the pool as necessary  couple of teaching centres remain "always available" for testing etc

7 Teaching Centre 1 Teaching Centre 2... other centres Condor submit host Condor central manager Condor view server Condor portal user login Condor pool

8 Condor research applications  molecular statics and dynamics (Engineering)  prediction of shapes and properties of molecules using quantum mechanics (Chemistry)  modelling of avian influenza propagation in poultry flocks (Vet Science)  modelling of E. Coli propagation in dairy cattle (Vet Science)  model parameter optimization using Genetic Algorithms (Electronic Engineering)  computational fluid dynamics (Engineering)  numerical simulation of ocean current circulation (Earth and Ocean Science)  numerical simulation of geodynamo magnetic field (Earth and Ocean Science)










18 Boundary layer fluctuations induced by freestream streamwise vortices Flow

19 Boundary layer ‘streaky structures’ induced by freestream streamwise vortices Flow





24 ULGrid aims  provide a user friendly single point of access to cluster resources  Globus based with authentication through UK e-Science certificates  job submission should be no more difficult than using a coventional batch system  users should be able to determine easily which resources are available  meta-scheduling of jobs  users should be able to monitor progress of all jobs easily  jobs can be single process or MPI  job submission from either the command line (qsub-style script) or web

25 ULGrid implementation  originally tried Transfer-queue-over-Globus (ToG) from EPCC for job submission but...  messy to integrate with SGE  limited reporting of job status  no meta-scheduling possible  decided to switch to Condor-G  Globus monitoring and discovery service (MDS) originally used to publish job status and resource info but...  very difficult configure  hosts mysteriously vanish because of timeouts (processor overload ? network delays ? who knows )  all hosts occasionally disappear after single cluser reboot  eventually used Apache web servers to publish information in the form of Condor ClassAds

26 Condor-G pros  familiar and reliable interface for job submission and monitoring  very effective at hiding the Globus middleware layer  meta-scheduling possible though the use of ClassAds  automatic renewal of proxies on remote machines  proxy expiry handled gracefully  workflows can be implemented using DAGman  nice sysadmin features e.g.  fair-share scheduling  changeable user priorities  accounting

27 Condor-G cons  user interface is different from SGE, PBS etc  limited file staging facilities  limited reporting of remote job status  user still has to deal directly with Globus certificates  matchmaking can be slow

28 Local enhancements to Condor-G  extended resource specifications – e.g. parallel environment, queue  extended file staging  ‘Virtual Console’ - streaming of output files from remotely running jobs  reporting of remote job status (e.g. running, idle, error)  modified version of LeSC SGE jobmanager runs on all clusters  web interface  MyProxy server for storage/retrieval of e-Science certificates  automatic proxy certificate renewal using MyProxy server

29 Specifying extended job attributes  without RSL schema extensions: globusrsl = ( environment = (transfer_input_files file1,file2,file3)\ (transfer_output_files file4,file5 )\ (parallel_environment mpi2) )  with RSL schema extensions: globusrsl = (transfer_input_files = file1, file2, file3)\ (transfer_output_files = file4,file5 )\ (parallel_environment = mpi2) or... globusrsl = (parallel_environment = mpi2) transfer_input_files = file1, file2, file3 transfer_output_files = file4, file5 or... globusrsl = (parallel_environment = mpi2) transfer_input_files = file1, file2, file3

30 Typical Condor-G job submission file universe = globus globusscheduler = $$(gatekeeper_url) x509userproxy=/opt2/condor_data/ulgrid/certs/bonarlaw.cred requirements = ( TARGET.gatekeeper_url =!= UNDEFINED ) && \ ( name == "" ) output = condori_5e_66_cart.out error = condori_5e_66_cart.err log = condori_5e_66_cart.log executable = condori_5e_66_cart_$$(Name) globusrsl = ( input_working_directory = $ENV(PWD) )\ ( job_name = condori_5e_66_cart )( job_type = script )\ ( stream_output_files = pcgamess.out ) notification = never queue

31 NW-GRID cluster (ulgbc3) Condor-G submit host CSD-Physics cluster (ulgbc2) CSD-Physics cluster (ulgbc2) NW-GRID/POL cluster (ulgp4) Condor-G portal CSD AMD cluster (ulgbc1) Condor-G central manager MyProxy server User login Condor ClassAds Globus file staging






37 Storage Resource Broker (SRB)  open source grid middleware developed by San Diego Supercomputing Center allowing distributed storage of data  absolute filenames reflect the logical structure of data rather than its physical location (unlike NFS)  meta-data allows annotation of files so that results can be searched easily at a later date  high speed data movement through parallel transfers  several interfaces available: shell (Scommands), Windows GUI (InQ), X/Windows GUI, web browser (MySRB) also APIs for C/C++, Java, Python  provides most of the functionality needed to build a data grid  many other features



40 NW-GRID cluster (ulgbc3) CSD-Physics cluster (ulgbc2) CSD-Physics cluster (ulgbc2) NW-GRID/POL cluster (ulgp4) CSD AMD cluster (ulgbc1) Condor-G central manager/submit host Globus file staging SRB MCAT server SRB data vaults (distributed storage) meta-data ‘real’ data

41 Future developments  make increased use of SRB for file staging and archiving of results in ULGrid  expand job submission to other NW-GRID sites ( and NGS ? )  encourage use of Condor-G for job submission on UL-Grid/NW- GRID  incorporate more applications into the portal  publish more information in Condor-G ClassAds  provide better support for long running jobs via the portal and improved reporting of job status

42 Further Information

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