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TAG ▪ 2011 CIS 3260 Introduction to Programming Using Java.

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Presentation on theme: "TAG ▪ 2011 CIS 3260 Introduction to Programming Using Java."— Presentation transcript:

1 TAG ▪ 2011 CIS 3260 Introduction to Programming Using Java

2 2 TAG ▪ 2011 Tom Gregory Center for Process Innovation @ GSU Soccer Referee Boy Scout leader B.S. Computer Science MBA Developer USSF Grade 16 heh

3 3 TAG ▪ 2011 Tom Gregory Compiled Languages Interpreted (Scripting) Languages Special Purpose Languages C/C++ Java C# (VB) Object Pascal Assembly PHP Ruby Javascript Flash Actionscript Cold Fusion Bash VB/VBA Scheme (Lisp) BASIC SQL HTML, XML, XSLT CSS

4 4 TAG ▪ 2011 Looking ahead (today) Syllabus History of computing Intro to objects Types

5 5 TAG ▪ 2011 Syllabus Review

6 6 TAG ▪ 2011 GIYF

7 7 TAG ▪ 2011 Cite everything

8 8 TAG ▪ 2011 Semester map FoundationOOP Implementation

9 9 TAG ▪ 2011 My goals Get you to think like a programmer Help you learn more Make it as easy/fun as possible Teach more, But make it easier.

10 10 TAG ▪ 2011 Words to know Bit, Byte Binary, Hexadecimal Complied language, Interpreted language IDE Object Class, Attribute, Method/Function Main This is easy!

11 TAG ▪ 2011 11 What is an object?

12 TAG ▪ 2011 12 An object is a thing. It is a certain kind of thing. It can be described. It may do something.

13 TAG ▪ 2011 13 An object is a thing. It has a type. It has attributes. It may have methods.

14 Practice

15 15 TAG ▪ 2011 Car VIN Make Mileage NumberOfDoors Drive( ) BreakDown( ) ChangeOil( ) Person FirstName LastName DateOfBirth CalculateAge( ) PayBills( )

16 TAG ☆ 2011 Primitive Types NameSizeRange byte1 byte (8 bits)-128 to 127 short2 bytes (16 bits)-32,768 to 32,767 int4 bytes (32 bits) -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 long8 bytes (64 bits) –9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 float4 bytes (32 bits) * double8 bytes (64 bits)*

17 TAG ☆ 2011 Other Types NameSizeRange booleantrue or false char2 bytes (16 bits) 2-byte unicode text String variable

18 TAG ☆ 2011

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