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The Hornaday Awards Think of it as an Olympic Medal bestowed by the Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "The Hornaday Awards Think of it as an Olympic Medal bestowed by the Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hornaday Awards Think of it as an Olympic Medal bestowed by the Earth

2 Recognize those that have made significant contributions to conservation Approximately 1,100 medals have been awarded over the past 80 years. Represent a substantial commitment of time and energy by individuals who have learned the meaning of a conservation/environmental ethic.

3 Begun in 1914 by Dr. William T. Hornaday, director of the New York Zoological Park and founder of the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. In the early 1970s, the present awards program was established with funding from the DuPont Company.

4 An “Olympics of Conservation” There are several different Hornaday awards. (The gold badge and gold medal are for adults.) Think of them as an "olympics of conservation," with an ever-increasing scale of challenge.

5 The award is given in one of seven forms The local council may present the William T. Hornaday unit certificate for a conservation project by a pack, troop, team, or crew. The council may award the Hornaday badge to individual Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, and Venturers for outstanding service in conservation. The council may award the Hornaday gold badge to adult Scouters who have given significant leadership to conservation at a council or district level.

6 All other Hornaday Awards are conferred by the National Council: Scouts and Venturers may apply for the bronze and silver medals. Adult Scouters may be nominated for the gold medal. Organizations unaffiliated with Scouting may be nominated for the gold certificate.


8 Brochure An informational brochure is also available: 398_WB.PDF 398_WB.PDF

9 Workbook and Forms Applications, nomination forms and the project workbook are available at /HornadayAwards/Forms.aspx /HornadayAwards/Forms.aspx

10 Application Checklists Application and nomination checklists are also available: /HornadayAwards/Checklist.aspx /HornadayAwards/Checklist.aspx

11 All the Information The web site really does have all the information you need to pursue a Hornaday award: /HornadayAwards.aspx /HornadayAwards.aspx

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