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SECC organization and rebid process Science and partnerships for adaptation and resilience to climate change and climate variability (Co PIs in Alphabetical.

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Presentation on theme: "SECC organization and rebid process Science and partnerships for adaptation and resilience to climate change and climate variability (Co PIs in Alphabetical."— Presentation transcript:

1 SECC organization and rebid process Science and partnerships for adaptation and resilience to climate change and climate variability (Co PIs in Alphabetical Order) Wendy-Lin Bartels, UF Norman Breuer, UF John Christy, UAH Carrie Furman, UGA Shelby Krantz, UF David Letson, UM Vasu Misra, FSU Mark Risse, UGA Puneet Srivastava, AU George Vellidis, UGA Senthold Asseng, UF (Additional helpers in Alphabetical Order) Jessica Bolson, UM Dan Dourte, UF Clyde Fraisse, UF Mason Mathews Chris Martinez, UF Brenda Ortiz, AU

2 NOAA 's Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments ( RISA ) program “…supports research teams that help expand and build the nation’s capacity to prepare for and adapt to climate variability and change. Central to the RISA approach are commitments to process, partnership, and trust building.”

3 SECC Mission: “…to better manage climate-related risks in SE…” Vision: 1.Improving agricultural, hydrologic, and coastal system resilience 2.Advancing Decision Support Tools 3.Co-learning with stakeholders Climate Coastal Socio-economic Extension/ stakeholder engagement Water use Agriculture Water Water Group Row Crop Group Fruit/ Vegetable Group SEWater Climate Agro Climate Decision management and learning tools Apps Future Pathways

4 SECC goals 1.…learning networks … test beds for shared learning of integrated social and biophysical knowledge on adaptation. 2.…better understanding of the SE US “warming hole” 3.…impact of climate extremes …adaptation options… 4.…socioeconomic pathways …for an integrated assessment of climate change impacts… 5.…new climate-related decision support tools based on …. AgroClimate.

5 Lead Principal Investigator: Senthold Asseng (UF) Coordinator: Shelby Krantz (UF) Strategic Planning Committee: Senthold Asseng (UF), Vasu Misra (FSU), Puneet Srivastava (AU), George Vellidis (UGA), Wendy-Lin Bartels (UF), Shelby Krantz (UF). Executive Committee: Senthold Asseng (UF), Shelby Krantz (UF), Clyde Fraisse (UF), Vasu Misra (FSU), Jim O’Brien (FSU), Dave Letson (UM), George Vellidis (UGA), Puneet Srivastava (AU), John Christy (UAH), Scott Templeton (Clemson), Gail Wilkerson (NCSU), Ryan Boyles (NCSU). Twice yearly meetings of SECC participants for internal review and planning Newsletters Web Presence Stakeholder Meetings

6 Sustained Assessment Specialist (1M$ over 5 years) work within the Southeastern NCA region based at one of the SECC institutions closely partnering as a shared resource with the Carolinas Integrated Sciences & Assessments (CISA) and Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program (SCIPP), and the Sea Grant institutions in the SE US To: 1. synthesize research findings … as an ongoing input to the NCA process 2. convey information about decision makers’ needs to shape the next assessment 3. advance the science needed to improve the assessment process and outcomes 4. act as a liaison between the SECC, CISA, SCIPP, and the NCA interests at USGCRP and NOAA, and work with Regional Climate Services Directors (RCSDs) 5.coordinate cross-regional interdisciplinary publications from SECC, CISA, SCIPP, 6.respond to specific needs of stakeholders and decision makers 7. assist in standardizing basic protocols for assessments (i.e. climate, social, economic, policy)

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