T tt prefix - dis t as in tank (graph) tt as in letter (digraph) dis as in disbelief (prefix)

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Presentation on theme: "T tt prefix - dis t as in tank (graph) tt as in letter (digraph) dis as in disbelief (prefix)"— Presentation transcript:

1 t tt prefix - dis t as in tank (graph) tt as in letter (digraph) dis as in disbelief (prefix)

2 Word Lists R123456 tank task tube train toy torch table tear tear little nettle kettle mitten kitten letter teach terrible taught touch tennis tomato button better getting bottle television telephone tongue typical tougher temperature prettier settlement forgotten embattlement temptation toasters toiletry tolerant talkative tambourine tornado torturer touch typing tournament PREFIX – dis disability disadvantageous disallow disappear disarm disarrange disbelief disassociate discard discipline PREFIX – dis discharge discoloured disapprove disappearance disembark disadvantage disconnect disappointment disarticulate disaffection

3 1 torch table tear (cry) tear (rip) little nettle kettle mitten kitten letter

4 2 resign racket remember hurried horrible terrible wrong wrap written worried

5 t tt t tt Handwriting 4/8/15 torch table little tear 1 The ____ needs new batteries. 2 My kitchen _____ is wobbly. 3 The puppy dog is ____. 4 I need to ___ up the paper.

6 t tt t tt Handwriting 5/8/15 kettle kitten letter tear 1 The ____ is boiling. 2 My _____ is called Meg. 3 “Write a ____ to your Mum.” 4 “Onions make my eyes ___ up.”

7 TORCH a portable battery- powered electric lamp t-or-ch = 3 torch = 1 say sounds syllables torch spell

8 TABLE a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface for eating, writing, or working at t-a-b-le = 4 ta/ble = 2 say sounds syllables table spell

9 TEAR pull (something) apart or to pieces with force. t-ea-r = 3 tear = 1 say sounds syllables tear spell

10 TEAR a drop of the clear salty liquid that is secreted by the eye t-ea-r = 3 tear = 1 say sounds syllables tear spell

11 LITTLE small in size, amount, or degree l-i-tt-le = 4 lit/tle = 2 say sounds syllables little spell

12 NETTLE a plant which has jagged leaves covered with stinging hairs. n-e-tt-le = 4 net/tle = 2 say sounds syllables nettle spell

13 KETTLE a metal or plastic container with a lid, spout, and handle, used for boiling water. k-e-tt-le = 4 ket/tle = 2 say sounds syllables kettle spell

14 MITTEN a glove with two sections, one for the thumb and the other for all four fingers. m-i-tt-e-n = 5 mit/ten = 2 say sounds syllables mitten spell

15 KITTEN a young cat k-i-tt-e-n = 5 kit/ten = 2 say sounds syllables kitten spell

16 LETTER a written, typed, or printed communication, sent in an envelope by post or messenger l-e-tt-er = 4 let/ter = 2 say sounds syllables letter spell

17 TEACH impart knowledge to or instruct (someone) as to how to do something t-ea-ch = 3 teach = 1 say sounds syllables teach spell

18 TERRIBLE extremely bad or serious t-e-rr-i-b-le = 6 ter/ri/ble = 3 say sounds syllables terrible spell

19 TAUGHT past tense of teach t-augh-t = 3 taught = 1 say sounds syllables taught spell

20 TOUCH to or be in contact with t-ou-ch = 3 touch = 1 say sounds syllables touch spell

21 TENNIS a game in which two or four players strike a ball with rackets over a net stretched across a court t-e-nn-i-s = 5 ten/nis = 2 say sounds syllables tennis spell

22 TOMATO a glossy red, or occasionally yellow, pulpy edible fruit which is eaten as a vegetable or in salad t-o-m-a-t-o = 6 to-ma-to = 3 say sounds syllables tomato spell

23 BUTTON a small device on a piece of electrical or electronic equipment which is pressed to operate it b-u-tt-o-n = 5 but/ton = 2 say sounds syllables button spell

24 BETTER more desirable, satisfactory, or effective b-e-tt-er = 4 bet/ter = 2 say sounds syllables better spell

25 GETTING come to have (something); receive g-e-tt-i-ng = 5 get/ting = 2 say sounds syllables getting spell

26 BOTTLE a glass or plastic container with a narrow neck, used for storing drinks or other liquids b-o-tt-le = 4 but/ton = 2 say sounds syllables bottle spell

27 1 a portable battery-powered electric lamp a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs pull (something) apart or to pieces with force. a drop of the clear salty liquid that is secreted by the eye small in size, amount, or degree a plant with jagged leaves covered with stinging hairs a metal or plastic container with a lid, spout, and handle, used for boiling water a glove with two sections, for the thumb and fingers a young cat a written, typed, or printed communication, sent in an envelope by post or messenger

28 2 impart knowledge to or instruct (someone) as to how to do something extremely bad or serious past tense of teach to or be in contact with a game in which two or four players strike a ball with rackets over a net stretched across a court a glossy edible fruit, eaten as a vegetable or in salad a device which is pressed to operate equipment more desirable, satisfactory, or effective come to have (something); receive a glass or plastic container with a narrow neck, used for storing drinks or other liquids

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